I don't wanna jinx it, but it's a testament to this site's culture that this bit didn't immediately collapse with someone trying to get the account banned.
Howdy! This is a comm for new and old users alike to introduce themselves and what their hobbies/interests are. This is also a good place to ask questions on anything you'd like to know more about, and generally to get acquainted with Hexbear and its users.
Rule #1: DON'T DOX YOURSELF - Don't post/comment any personal identifying information. Obviously it's ok to talk about yourself, but make sure there is no information that could potentially lead to doxxing yourself.
Rule #2: BE NICE - Assume everyone making a post here is doing so in good faith. Keep in mind that people introducing themselves may have limited knowledge of site history, in-jokes, etc. Also keep in mind that new people might not have the same understanding of leftist theory and/or knowledge of global politics that you do. We were all there once, so it's not a bad thing to be reasonably understanding and patient with new folks. Likewise, for those who are introducing yourselves, please have an open mind, be willing to interact and make friends, and don't come here with the intent to start fights.
Rule #3: DON'T BE A JERK - Any sort of transphobia, racism, homophobia, ableism, or other forms of bigotry will lead to an immediate ban. Similarly, harassment, being a creep, "chaser" behavior, or anything else done to make others feel uncomfortable will be dealt with harshly. Also try to keep any fediverse drama to a minimum. It's assumed new users are posting here to make friends and not to wade into any previous or existing conflict between instances, so please be respectful of that.
Rule #4: TRY TO BE HELPFUL - It's encouraged to help newcomers wherever possible, including explaining various aspects of this community, providing helpful resources, sharing similar interests you may have, and suggesting comms that they may be interested in.
Rule #5: USE CONTENT WARNINGS - For anything that might be considered a sensitive topic, please use the spoiler format along with a content warning to give people a heads up on what is being discussed.
If anyone has any feedback or any suggestions for improvement to this comm, don't hesitate to reach out to the mods here. Thanks!
That would be liberalism
posting before this inevitably happens
edit: It's not an issue if someone tries. We've all basically got admin rights over ourselves, so we can just delete anything bad. Or change things lik I do now teehee
upbearing my own post ^
Our picture is too cute
Somehow we are still going
I hope it lasts forever
Hi! And welcome! You’re cute. Can I give headpats?
We are like Leviathan and have many heads to pat.
So many @[email protected]s yet so little upbears hmmmmmmm
Its a shame you all have but one upvote to give yourselves.
taking my own upvote away to grant it to you
who upvoted me, was it me???
well you're getting mine then because I see no zeroes here, just a collective of poster heroes
you can have it
ok we pull up
This is the best bit in a while
Hello Bureaucrats. I hope you all have fun running the Bureaucracy!
we are
We will
Together we can upbear every comment on this site
brb mes, gotta go boost mutual_aid posts
The faceless bureaucracy that runs hexbear from the shadows finally addresses us
My fellow bureaucrats, let me queer. We are, uh, in a hivemind or possibly a polycule
omg hiii me
It's the puppy Borg
You will be puppimilated. Resistance is futile.
can I be the rare bunnycrat then tho
also what are the benefits like
at least one of us wants you to buy this game (hint hint)
Is that you, Happy, is this me?
hello puppy bureaucrat! all of you actually made my day!!!
thx :3
so there's this bureaucrat, pup's beautiful, and pup's reading this right now
A second Bureacrat has hit the hexbear