Unironically, I believe we're living in one of the most comfortable times in human history (people tend to underestimate how fucking miserable subsistence farming is). But a big part of that comfort is enabled by education and communication, and a big part of that comfort is leisure time. Which gives us both the perception and the time necessary to become aware of utterly fucked things are.
Way back when, you'd say "Yeah, the lord is probably eating well while we starve, but he says he isn't, and he only takes a small part of my produce anyway, and who knows? And besides, I have to worry about my 11th kid coming and nutrition deficiency and the frost coming early and the neighboring village rustling my sheep."
Nowadays you say, "Jesus fucking Christ, our 'nobility' is making thousands of times what we do for being born rich and sitting on their ass? Why don't we fucking O R G A N I Z E to even the battlefield?"
Some people who by all rights should be on our side seem to have forgotten that latter part. We need to remind them.