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[โ€“] [email protected] 22 points 8 months ago (1 children)

As politely as possible: you are missing history there. There's a caveat to Ukraine that doesn't exist in Palestine.

Israel is a foreign invading force committing genocide with support of the world's imperial hegemon. They actively displace the population to plant settlers.

Ukraine however was the oppressive force in this scenario. The previous government was ousted in 2014 by nazi militias funded by Ukrainian oligarchs and supported by the same Imperial hegemon supporting Israel. You can find images for instance of Senator John McCain chilling with members of Svoboda. After this violent coup, the new Ukrainian government would not allow eastern Ukrainian regions to vote on secession, opting to instead shell dissident neighborhoods with artillery. And by the way, contrary to western propaganda, you can find evidence that eastern Ukraine has wanted to secede for a while, long before any Russians entered the territory. The votes of secession were not ever "held at gunpoint". The Russian invasion of Crimea was bloodless specifically because Crimeans already wanted Russia there. It was not "little green men" as they love to say.

[โ€“] [email protected] 13 points 8 months ago

Thanks for the primer. Seems like I have some research to do to get a full understanding.