(San Antonio Eloxochitlán, Oaxaca, 1873 - Leavenworth, Kansas, 1922) Mexican politician and journalist who is considered a precursor of the Mexican Revolution. His figure has remained as that of one of the most upright fighters and consistent with the cause of the workers during the times of the Revolution. Indefatigable and indefatigable, his thought and his struggle inspired many of the workers' conquests and some rights that would be included in the Mexican constitution.
The son of Indigenous parents, Ricardo Flores Magón studied law at the University of Mexico. In 1892 he was arrested along with his brother Jesús de him during a student protest against the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz. After collaborating with the short-lived daily El Demócrata, he founded with his brother the newspaper Regeneración, whose first issue appeared on August 7, 1900 and from whose pages the Porfiriato was permanently lashed out.
Harassed by the government, he had to go into exile in the United States in 1904. In the city of Saint Louis (Missouri), he founded in 1906 the Mexican Liberal Party, of socialist/anarchist ideology, claiming a revolutionary program of state interventionism. He demanded the eight-hour day, Sunday rest and the distribution of land to the peasants, with which his ideas had repercussions on the Mexican labor movement. Closer and closer to anarchist socialism, his party was behind the strikes in the mining town of Cananea and the Rio Blanco industrial zone in Veracruz (1906-1907), violently repressed by the Díaz regime.
After the outbreak in 1910 of the revolution that would force Porfirio Díaz to resign, in 1911 he promoted the insurrection in Baja California with his brother Enrique. They came to take the cities of Mexicali and Tijuana and tried, without success, to found a socialist republic. Lacking aid, they were defeated by government troops and had to retreat to the United States. Convinced that the governments were to blame for the oppression of the working class, they continued to fight the rulers who, during the turbulent period of the Mexican Revolution, succeeded Díaz: Francisco I. Madero and Venustiano Carranza.
President Francisco Madero sought his help, but Flores refused to collaborate with the bourgeois revolution. Many of his claims were admitted in the Congress of Querétaro (1917). In 1918 he drew up a manifesto addressed to anarchists around the world, for which he was sentenced to twenty years in prison by the American authorities. After suffering a cruel and ruthless prison regime, he died almost blind on November 20, 1922, in Leavenworth (Kansas) penitentiary.
-- Anarchism in Latin America :meow-anarchist:
-- Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870–1940 :anarchy-heart:
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Hey just a quick survey here
How long could you just deal with your partner ghosting you? We're talking zero contact, not responding to any messages, nothing.
What if it happened multiple times?
I’m absurdly clingy I couldn’t make a day tbh
I'm absurdly clingy and on day 5 of time 4 that she's done this 🙃 I'm pretty fucked up over this tbqh
Honestly if my partner disappeared for 5 days and made me suffer through intensifying uncertainty and fear, and then just showed up again like nbd, I'd turn them into a ghost for real
You're being completely reasonable, if its truly an emergency where they absolutely couldn't contact you then fine but other than that it seems like a lack of respect. Especially if they've done it multiple times
The extenuating circumstances are pretty extenuating, but they don't make it any easier to deal with.
It's the strangest feeling though, because when she is around she's so affectionate and sweet, not in the least bit distant, but then she vanishes again. Which is part of why it feels like she must be telling the truth about those circumstances.
Have you told her how much it effects you? There's a possibility she doesn't realize the stress it causes you
If you've communicated your feelings before and no effort has been made I honestly would reevaluate the relationship if I were in your shoes but I also don't know your relationship so
Either way, I hope its not causing you too much harm, comrade
I've told her a little but I don't feel I made it clear the degree to which it affects me
We've been married for years so I'd be a bit worried after a few hours
I don't think it's unreasonable to get worried after 3 days when you're just dating then, right? This isn't me being too clingy?
Me and my partner are long distance and if they didn't answer for 3 days I'd be concerned enough to drive the 4 hours to where they live. Honestly I'd be preparing to do that second day
We've actually talked about this before (I have a huge fear of dying a preventable death alone) and if either one of us don't hear from the other after 3 days without explanation thats permission to come to their place and break down the door if needed
It really depends on what expectations you've both expressed so it might be worth having a conversation
Honestly, a conversation is all I want at this point.
I would not accept being ghosted from a partner at all. It's okay to need space or take some alone time but that should be communicated before it happens. Intentionally cutting communication is emotional abuse and a huge red flag in a relationship. I don't have the patience to "fix them" so first time is the last time for me.
Then you must understand, that as someone who would usually feel the same way, I must be very fond of this person and there must be pretty believable extenuating circumstances for me to want to still be with them after this, right? I can't stress enough that this is the 4th time it's happened.
Yeah that is not cool. That partner is an expartner in the making.
We'll see. There are some extenuating circumstances that could be making it worse, but... I don't know, I feel pretty awful rn. Especially considering it isn't something casual. edit: To be a little less cagey, she lives at home with an abusive relative.
the last message in our chat before she vanished was her telling me she loved me more than i understood
and then she disappeared
if thats why she's been gone ill understand
Ok so you don't live together. I think of "partner" as defacto or married. That's a bit different. If you are just exclusive dating its a bit different. You should talk to them about it and even if they dont explain the exact why in detail they really should let you know they are going to go dark so that you don't worry too much.