
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 56 minutes ago* (last edited 55 minutes ago) (1 children)

depending on how much effort or thought you want to put into it, you might get good mileage out of

it's a website where music nerds rate and catalogue music, so you can look for music with high ratings to get an idea of what music nerds think is good. if you find an album or artist you like, you can look for similar genres and/or find music with similar descriptors/qualities and branch out from there.

one of my artists is Burial, so i could search rateyourmusic for albums in the same genres that he makes (like future garage, dubstep, downtempo, or ambient) and/or with similar qualities (like "noctural", "melancholic", "atmospheric", "ethereal").

Or you can just scroll through album lists and click on things with cool album arts or names, which is how i've found other music that i really love, haha

[–] [email protected] 12 points 11 hours ago

the only thing libs need in politics is being 1% better than their apparent enemy

[–] [email protected] 19 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

headlines like this are probably super effective on libs who can't see through the bullshit. the news is absolutely goofy but the social construction of China as an imperialist aggressor posing an immediate threat to their neighbors and more, to which America is The Resistance^TM^ who will use the most bad ass Good Guys^TM^ to protect the World Order^TM^, keep people safe from the bad guys, and keep America #1 is invaluable for Global North imperialists

[–] [email protected] 24 points 4 days ago

didn't the US government just unseal documents alleging (maybe proving?) that some conservative grifters were receiving funds from Russia's government? What are the odds they "leaked" that info a week before passing a bill that allows them to do the exact same thing abroad? lmfao. death to america

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

A neurotype is a trait that you are born with. Whereas personality disorders are a result of trauma and other life factors, and developing problematic reactions to it.

IMO, it seems problematic to exclude personality disorders (PD) from the neurodivergent umbrella and neurodivergent solidarity.

  1. The personality in PD refers to personality traits. PDs are typically understood as chronic conditions, which, even if they are triggered/exacerbated by trauma and other life factors, means that someone with a PD will probably experience severe and persistent difficulties in different areas of their life and across their lifespan. Living with a PD and managing the difficult experiences that PDs create is a lifelong process. And PD's are not diagnosed until adulthood specifically to avoid over-diagnosing trauma responses as disturbances in personality traits.

  2. Different kinds of trauma and other life factors contribute to most kinds of neurodiversity, as supported by the explosive rise in rates of diagnoses like autism and ADHD (especially late diagnoses in adulthood).

  3. Personality disorders are heavily stigmatized already, and I can't help but think that excluding people with PD's from neurodivergent solidarity is rooted in stigma (i.e., that people with PDs are too abrasive, unstable, rude, etc.). I think that drawing lines around which psychological diagnoses are considered ND or not reflects and reinforces stigma.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

Yeah, imo it would.

I think what was tough with dronerights was that they demanded that everyone interacting with their posts use their odd and esoteric frameworks, or you would be accused of discriminating against their way of being and thinking. They had a way of weaponizing a lot of things people would say, even though people would engage in really good faith with their really fucking strange ideas

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

for me the new Midwife is good, I like the songs "Vanessa" and "Autoluminescent" very-normal

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

it's been a good week to be weird and sad and into that kind of music: new Midwife album, Ethel Cain released a song with American Football, new Mount Eerie song, new Max Richter album, new GSYBE single, etc.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

speaking from my experience in canada, so my bad haha. at least in my area, anyone can take a pack from any pharmacy whenever they want

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

source on this? especially the numbers. My understanding was PCRs are typically very sensitive, and tend to stay positive for far longer than people are actively experiencing symptoms or contagious, which doesn't line up with you saying "80%" on the peak viral count day of infection.

I don't know for sure, but I suspect they are citing this link, which says "... In these studies, clinical performance ranges and approaches 80% sensitivity and 98-99% specificity when using a good comparator..."

An 80% sensitivity means that if you have COVID, you have a 20% chance of a false negative (i.e., testing negative despite being positive). Let's say you test everyday for 4 days; the odds of getting all false negatives is 1/(5^4), or 1/625, or 0.16%.

A 98% specificity means that someone without COVID has a 2% chance of a false positive (i.e., testing positive despite not being sick). PCR's are imperfect, but afaik they are the gold-standard test. They are widely available, and have the most science backing their use.

They also suggested that tests completed at-home are 50% accurate, which doesn't seem like it's based on any scientific findings I can find. For example, this study found that tests completed at home are equally as sensitive (>83%) and specific (>99.5%) as tests completed by doctors. But I could be wrong.

That person also mentioned stool tests are the best for screening for COVID-19, but I'm not sure what that is all about, and research comparing stool tests to other measures doesn't seem to support the accuracy of stool tests over others... I understand much of their concern and skepticism - I don't take people in my life saying things like "Sure I'm sick but I tested negative so it's just a cold" seriously. I get very frustrated when I hear that shit. That being said, I am a bit sus about the specific things they are recommending or saying in this thread.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Alberta in shambles

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 week ago

Western leaders believe so firmly in a two-state solution that they endlessly fund and arm the state that’s genociding the other

They should send arms to the resistance

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