
joined 1 day ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

I’m a huge fan of embrace the suck and cut slingload

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 hours ago

Co-founder and former CEO of Twitter. So, kind of like: the chiX have come home to twit

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

It’s a self made recession by the corporations themselves. A thousand employees don’t matter to their bottom line.

If preparing for a recession is to blame here, then why at the same time are the Starbucks board giving the CEO $96 million buckadoos?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

Again: we do not have to allow this. We do not have to allow "shit-work" companies to compete in our markets, where they drive reasonable, responsible employers out of business.

Well put and logical. Taking this thanks.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

I trust you know this person well and that your experience is accurate.

However, you might find it useful to look up coping mechanisms in dealing with someone with OCPD. OCPD is extremely common and people with this personality disorder usually are extremely miserly and controlling. I’m not saying your person has this disorder. But from your story, the issues with money align closely enough that the tools people use in dealing with OCPD miserliness might help you. Or at the very least it might help you feel less alone in that experience.

I’m really sorry you are having to manage that and deal with this person. You sound like a very reasonable and empathetic person yourself. Please do something small and kind for yourself tomorrow. ❤️

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

How the fuck isn’t this stuff against business laws. How does this not break the fiduciary duty by self-dealing?

If what you’re saying is accurate then he’s a pro at creating parallel evidence.

Who am I kidding? Anyone who could bring a suit against the CEO probably doesn’t care.

wasteful hubristic meatballs

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago

I never thought I’d miss Dick this much 🥹

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) (1 children)

Well, to be fair, it is still a conspiracy. It becomes a known criminal conspiracy. Criminal Conspiracy is still a crime. :)

but you’re right, it’s no longer a conspiracy theory.

(Unfortunately for all Americans, social murder by policy isn't usually a crimey crime. They might be more careful about killing us if they paid the cost personally)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

Shit — This week — I have a relative that had to wait 3 days in the ER to be transferred to a bigger hospital. The big hospital didn’t have a bed.

The hospital system in America has been overwhelmed for over a month and a half straight now.

Anymore stress beyond the current quademic (and whatever the unknown illness is — have we figured that out yet?) and we will have to bring back keeping people outside and firing up the refrigerator trucks again.

these damn jackals

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (1 children)

Oh, hallo! Ich bin so froh, dass jemand einen c/staiy gemacht hat! Ich lerne Deutsch. Ihr habt mir sehr geholfen. Außerdem seid ihr alle sehr lustig. Ich hoffe, dass c/Staiy unsere neue Community wird!

My favorite quotes: OH BRUDER! und DAS IST FALSCH

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (1 children)

Hell yeah 🤘 I printed this on a Flashforge Adventure 5M Pro with Kingroon Filament.

In case you want to print these yourself:

  • Here’s the file I used for the new Papa V Perpetua Mask.

  • Here’s the file for the new Nun / Nameless Ghoul mask.

  • The maker is EEKSEYE (I have no association)Both files are a small fee to the artist for a Personal Use license.

Surprised how fast this was put up! I bet there will be free versions soon enough.

If you decide to print this specific version—I shrunk the horizontal width 5% smaller (without scaling) to better fit my girlfriend’s smaller head. The file itself makes the mask pretty big (even for a male head).

I’m gonna print the Nameless Ghoul Nun for her next 😄

Hope you guys have fun! 💀


cross-posted from: https://feddit.org/post/9127677

3D Printed a Ghost Papa V mask to wear at the Skeletour!

Hey guys! First post here. I hope the movie link works.

I am a Ghost music fan. I’m printing myself, and my Nameless Ghoul friends, masks for the upcoming Summer 2025 Skeleta Skeletour.

This is a prototype mask before I start messing with the settings to custom fit everyone’s heads.

Mask Printed on an Adventurer 5M Pro with a 0.4 nozzle. Filament is PLA Kingroon Green/Blue/Red. Layer height is 0.2. Took about 2.5 hours or so—I print slower than the printer is probably capable. Spliced with Orcaslicer.

SLT file from creator EEKSEYE Papa Emeritus V Mask

Hope to post some of my other creations soon. :)


Hey guys! First post here. I hope the movie link works.

I am a Ghost music fan. I’m printing myself, and my Nameless Ghoul friends, masks for the upcoming Summer 2025 Skeleta Skeletour.

This is a prototype mask before I start messing with the settings to custom fit everyone’s heads.

Mask Printed on an Adventurer 5M Pro with a 0.4 nozzle. Filament is PLA Kingroon Green/Blue/Red. Layer height is 0.2. Took about 2.5 hours or so—I print slower than the printer is probably capable. Spliced with Orcaslicer.

SLT file from creator EEKSEYE Papa Emeritus V Mask

Hope to post some of my other creations soon. :)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

You nailed it. I agree completely. This is getting a bit off topic now but it’s worth talking about. Sorry for the novel. It’s how I am.

I don’t know if you remember. In 2021 Spring in America was a time when Americans had a renewed sense of hope (and for the first time in a long time, labor rights). That’s when that sub antiwork took off and it was before they paraded a Reddit mod stooge on Fox to mock the concept of labor rights.

Those short few months— the air changed. People were starting to realize we have collective power. That we were underpaid. People started quitting in droves. They changed jobs. There were many spots opened we had many die or become disabled, after all.

I drove across America twice during that period and people were quitting their shitty jobs in droves—Arizona, Kansas, Ohio—all the same. Sometimes during the shift they’d up and leave. Incredible, I remember thinking.

But. Then—big tech companies started to lay their workers off. Starting with Facebook most loudly. Zuckerberg release a statement that they “over hired” during the pandemic. Many tech companies followed suit laying-off in the same or similar amount. Using the same reasoning. Amazing—they all over hired.

I raise one eyebrow. The atmosphere in the air was still up but it began to mix with a foulness. I wondered then—is tech working together strategically? Maybe.

The tech layoffs were so many that NSA then hired a new public facing woman who started a public campaign to hire the laid off tech workers from the tech companies. The NSA even said smoking wasn’t an issue.

2022-2024. Profits soar. Layoffs continue. Prices increase. Trillion in unsecured PPP loans rock the Real Estate market. Interest rates rise—too little too late. Americans collectively fall back into deep dispair. A constant pressure on all of our chests. We are sensitive—we all feel it.

In 2025–Tech CEOs all congregate in Washington now and rifle through America’s treasury and fire Government Agents.

I raise both eyebrows. They do this for many reasons—but do we see the connection here? Economically they delete the federal safety net as the largest American job provider. Corralling workers and kettling us economically. This is Siege warfare.

Over the preceding few years leading up to the American Presidential election, American news outlets pounded that the economy was “bad.” Prices of goods were out of control because of…the supply chain? But when looking at the numbers, the price of goods were being raised much higher than was needed to cover their losses. It is no longer price gouging but an economic siege, who is there to stop them?

The Biden Administration was better than other Administrations at pursuing Anti-trust cases. In my opinion, it was another too little too late, but still appreciated.

The signal, or so I hoped, was that if Harris got in that the DoJ would continue to pursue anti-trust, criminal conspiracy, and price market manipulation cases that Biden Admin scored on. If anyone isn’t familiar— Biden admin was dunking guilty verdicts on Big Pharma companies to the tune of billions for criminal conspiracy to rig prices with competitors and other unsavory economic criminality.

I’m a criminal defense lawyer in practice but I wanted to switch to prosecuting Anti-Trust.

Now, I don’t know. The air is curdled.

TLDR/My Point:

I believe that the Corporate heads colluded together in mid-2021 to crush the short lived optimism we all felt in America. They manipulated the labor market and worked together to manipulate the consumer market. This effect is felt collectively all over the world but very much so domestically in America.

What we are in now—the globe and domestically as Americans—is an Economic Siege. You feel it. I feel it.

Corporations have become so large they rival the power of Nation States. They move like ghosts through the sphere of International Relations. I call them, Geldgheist or “Money-Ghost.”

We are no longer in a uni-polar world where America is top. But we are also not in a normal multi-polar world where only Nation States hold power.

We are in a new era where these Geldgheist bastards, whom have no nationality or loyalty except to their own individual power, seek to topple all Western Democracy and corrupt our lands. We cannot wage traditional land war on them. They have no land to physically attack. No soldiers to fell.

So, the only option we (the West and our Pacific Allies) have is economic war. Citizens Boycott. Governments freeze assets, break up and dismantle the Techbro Geldgheist Corporations.

Straight from the mouth of Geldgheist Musk himself, “[…] If that [American] pillar falls, the whole roof comes crashing down. There’s no place to hide. There’s no place to run.“

We face this together now or we lose Western and Pacific democracy — there is no other option.

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