Martial law and free speech restrictions are only bad if the bad guys do it, also we get to decide who the bad guys are
Ah, yes. In case you were wondering about said Swiss businessman and whether or not his actions in the DPRK were morally sound, once again, Wikipedia has something to say.
Normal person: you should not be attracted to the mind or body of anyone under the age of consent, nor should you invent thought experiments to find loopholes.
Yud: i live to groom
I got bit by the input being more than one line. Embarrasing.
For 3: I made dart one-liners for both. Pasting the juicy parts.
RegExp(r"mul\((\d*),(\d*)\)").allMatches(input).fold<int>( 0, (p, e) => p + e.groups([1, 2]).fold(1, (p, f) => p * int.parse(f!))));
My original solution found do, don't and mul entries, then stepped through them to get the solve. I decided to try regex my way through it. What I realised was that you want to ignore strings starting with don't() and ending at the first do(). Some amount of trial and error later, I figured out the (ecma*) regex to do it, which I am proud of:
RegExp(r"(?:don\'t\(\)(?:.(?<!do\(\)))*do\(\))|(?:mul\((\d*),(\d*)\))") .allMatches(input) .fold<int>( 0, (p, e) => p + (![0] != 'd' ? e.groups([1, 2]).fold<int>(1, (p, f) => p * int.parse(f!)) : 0))
*ecma balls
Article was short. I was pretty close!
Haven’t read the article yet but I can only assume the book is “Lolita X” where they find the cryonically frozen body of humbert humbert and they bring him to space
Yeah in terms of the meme mutation timeline, I believe the initial use would have been from leftists to mock outrageous/outlandishly false claims, in line with Park saying the trains thing. Since then the format has been mutated to also include “thing that exists in culture that is then exaggerated to be construed as dystopian” (see the example that soyweiser posted) and also “thing that is straight up dystopian but it’s something from the west”. So I think the only things that would approach the level of humor/absurdity of the original would have to be something else crazy out of YP’s mouth.
I’m just hoping that i get a plaque or something 1000 years from now in the Harvard meme archaeology department or similar
Happend quite a few times with the “skeptic” yt people in the yt’er to alt right funnel/pipeline from a decade ago. (A few of these people have really lost the plot now
I would love a separate thread on this, more generally a “late 2000s/early 2010s skeptic ytbuers, where are they now”?. The only example (sorta*) I have is thunderf00t, whose yt career track is: anti-christianity, anti-anita sarkeesian, and now anti musk.
*he is not alt right, at least by any mainstream definition of alt-right, afaict.
re: 2-2
yeah that’s what I ended up thinking. Just try the brute force and if it’s too slow, maybe I’ll try be smarter about it.
I tried something clever and was punished for my hubris, but it turned out ok.I treated the input as a list of strings and searched for "XMAS" and "SAMX", rotating and transposing the list to scan for vertical and diagonal words.
In my arrogance, I thought I could do the diagonal rotation easily, but I was very wrong. I got it out in the end, though.
this was easier than 4-1. An O(n^2^) solution just scanning for X-MAS was good enough. Maybe there was a more clever solution that used, i dunno, string hashing or something but whatever.