
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

rat-salute rat-salute

Superb music taste; love Gang of Four and Molchat Doma

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

No venmo or paypal?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

I am so disappointed that after a year and a half of organizing and trying to bargain our first contract m, I am just feeling like this all has been a huge fucking mistake. The work I do is already some of the most mentally and emotionally taxing work someone can do, but throwing the union busting and nonstop work on proposals and trying to do ANYTHING that's gutsy being shot down by the union rep. Coworker got fired and the rep says he can't do anything about it. It feels like we have no protection, I'm so ready to throw in the towel and be done with it. And I'm ashamed to say that. This has been nothing but an awful experience so far

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That's weird you posted this I was literally thinking about hitting you up for that job this morning! Glad you got a call back and your interview goes well!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

That's a good point. It would be almost the entirety of two different departments (our bargai.img unit) that would do it, too.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Oh damn, good luck getting rid of it!! This labornotes article may be helpful in getting creative on negotiating that blob-no-thoughts

That's amazing; so it sounds like sickouts are a potentially safe way to protest this issue? We haven't gotten to economics yet, so maybe it would be more strategic to do that once we get counters on that. We are all outraged at our coworker getting fired and I think everyone would be down to call out in protest for her, but idk just how much we could get away with

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Not a right to work state, and I imagine it would be maybe 10-15 of us, maybe up to 20 I'd imagine

Also, there are no current policies around doctors notes, how many days you can take in a row etc. Its always been that you can take them when you need to


Does anyone know if there would be penalties for having an organized sick-out if there is no contract yet signed? We are not bound to any no strike clause and a coworker was fired and I think naturally people are calling out sick anyway due to stress. Can we be fired for insubordination or something? What are the risks?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 weeks ago

Boutta drop my partner off at his first day of law school. I'm so proud, going back to school was the furthest thing from his mind when we first met; he's grown so much as a person ahhhhh

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago
  • Chipotle chili powder
  • Lemon pepper
  • Smoked paprika isn't very uncommon but I fucking LOVE. IT.
  • Celery salt
  • White pepper
[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 month ago

Red 2002 subaru outback

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Oh yeah I am prepared for the heartbreak lol. I did a bit of searching and from the shop images there were already a few I saw so I'm sure once I am inside it'll be impossible to leave without a stack. Thank you so much for sharing with me!

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago

kitty-cri nooooooooooo


Thinking about planning a trip!


I have pretty much given up on being social at all any more because of how much I seem to resist it, even though I WANT to go out and do things and make more friends and be consistent. But it's just so exhausting, I dissociate when I'm out and about unless I'm drunk, I get super anxious about what to talk about, etc etc. I've been going to punk and metal shows for like 20+ years but now I pretty much have resigned myself to the fact that I just am not gonna go anymore because I just disappoint myself again and again after I tell myself I wanna go, but then when it comes down to it I figure out a way to just avoid it. And that makes me sad.

I'm AuDHD, and currently exploring meds. Has anyone noticed an impoved ability to socialize/go out in public when medicated?

Excellent (hexbear.net)

On the internet I don't see too many Anarchists give arguments past "communism doesn't work because communists are doomed to repeat the same exploitative power structures of the capitalist state" and "we dont know what an anarchist society will look like we gotta wait til we get there!" Which like...is not convincing to me at all. I've engaged in what was supposed to be consensus based decision making systems and there were a ton of flaws, though that's purely anecdotal.

So, I'd really like to have some suggestions on what to read that you think might really challenge where I stand/take anarchism more seriously. It might take me 5 years to get to them bc executive dysfunction but I really want to see if my mind can be changed on if it would be a better system from the get go than communism.

I think it would be super interesting to hear from anyone who shifted into anarchism from Marxism on why it made more sense to you


Picked up my bottle today, and I'm starting tomorrow. I really hope it works, I'm so tired of being tired! I've only ever taken Focalin, and Adderrall twice recreationally. The Focalin was all over the place for me but I did not have any sort of schedule. One day no food, next day caffeine, next day food and no caffeine, etc. So I wasn't able to tell if it was helpful, I just know on the days that I felt gacked out I did NOT like it.

Curious if anyone would want to share their experiences taking Strattera?


Would like to spend under or around 1k.

My refurbished laptop that I got from work crapped out and I need a new one. I'd like to do light gaming, like Cult of Lamb or Disco Elysium and that would probably be the most heavy use application that I need it for. I'm also a caveman and can be pretty rough on my things, I think my last laptop ate it because I dropped it like 3 feet to the ground by knocking it off my couch on accident. So something that's somewhat durable, but I do not plan on throwing it across the room lol.

I plan on learning how to use Linux; I know next to nothing about it but have just heard good things and I think I'm just computer savvy enough to figure it out. Also any suggestions on solid alternatives to things like Word, Google docs, etc would me super appreciated!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's a tale as old as time of Anarchists absolutely shitting all over communists but god damn I hateeeee it. No self awareness

Link to Instagram post

Edit: to be clear I don't have a problem with Anarchists, just seems like very often MLs are met with so much vitriol with people they could collaborate with. Just sucks. Stupid interner


Bonus points for healthy/low carb. Omivore, vegetarian, vegan, I eat all the things but my autistic ass is very low on spoons. I'm a good cook but even the thought of cooking instant ramen sounds daunting sometimes.

Easy things I've incorporated are protein shakes with coffee, flax milk and chia seeds during the morning. Keeps me good til 1pm or so since breakfast grosses me out during the weekdays and it takes like 2 minutes to prepare

Also wraps. Throw a protein on, condiments or a sauce like pesto or something, rip up some lettuce with your BARE HANDS, and that's it. Or if you're feeling fancy, slice up some cheese/veggies. Less than 5 minutes with minimal clean up, just a cutting board knife, plate and maybe a spoon or butter knife. Sometimes if I'm not cutting much ill just do it carefully in my hands or on my plate to avoid washing the cutting board


If there is language in an article that is along the lines of "until the expiration of the agreement", does that mean that whatever is contained in that article is no longer legally binding once a contract expires? I feel like that should be obvious, but my union rep seems to think that's not the case. I do know that terms and conditions of a CBA are to continue under an expired contract (besides strikes/lockouts) but if that language lives in the document, then is that how an employer can get around maintaining whatever benefit it's tied to?

I feel like I read a labornotes article that spoke to this but I CANNOT find it. If anyone can help I would be grateful!

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