Of course this is an ad. But it's art.
Yeah, but that's okay. What's strange is the negative feedback in a community that specifically covers topics about AI.
Just leaving a feedback comment about the replies on this thread: I am surprised that people in this community disliked such a breakthrough in AI technology.
The person in this video already has access and demonstrates how this new technology works. He is not just a random youtuber. He actively delves into AI news and even studies research papers.
This is not true love. True love is stop playing a game that can't be paused in the middle of a cutscene or combat.
Interesting. I was thinking about a project for image classification and description, so we could search for our images in an easy way.
The signature and the URL are in the comic. They are too small though. Thanks for including the author's website.
True, no one could replace the master. But in terms of art and style, Toriyama has already given his blessing to the artist Toyotarou.
What do you mean? Updating my linux is the fun part.
Fully free, no credit card required. They are not charging to use this tool, for now.
It's a figure of speech.