
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Edit2: trail, direct wording; period

True, and we will continue to vote them in with much praise.

No past, present, or future president will go to jail for war crimes.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

Duopoly will continue the status quo.

Today Israeli forces killed Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, a Turkish-US citizen, in the West Bank, shooting her in the head as she protested one of the country’s growing and accelerating illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory. The US and Israeli governments are claiming that it is unclear who killed her, but as multiple US outlets report, eyewitnesses and Palestinian officials in the territory say she was killed by Israeli gunfire, and the Israeli military admits that it shot at the protesters.

And . . . that’s it.

No statement from the president, vice president, or any administration official. No condemnation of the unnamed killers, not even a tepid one, nor is there any vow that they will be brought to justice.

In fact, reading the US statements, you wouldn’t even know that Eygi was killed by anyone — just that she tragically, mysteriously died, somehow. Nor has she received the warm, lengthy tributes to her life, character, and future dreams that officials rightly included in their statements on Goldberg-Polin. While officials went to great lengths to demonstrate their grief over his death, the response to Eygi is markedly emotionless.

In fact, we could just look at the last couple of weeks alone, when multiple US citizens have been attacked and shot by Israeli forces and settlers at the exact same protest that Eygi was killed at, and US officials not only didn’t utter a peep about it, they didn’t even bother contacting and checking in on them.In fact, we could just look at the last couple of weeks alone, when multiple US citizens have been attacked and shot by Israeli forces and settlers at the exact same protest that Eygi was killed at, and US officials not only didn’t utter a peep about it, they didn’t even bother contacting and checking in on them.

The end result is that the Israeli government effectively has a green light to kill Americans whenever it wants — a green light, and the means to do so, since these murders are supplied and underwritten by the US government itself.

Given that the Israeli military has itself now killed more than forty-thousand people, engaged in sickening sexual torture, and now also killed US citizens, what does that say about the Israel Defense Forces? And why is the US government still giving such an institution billions of dollars in military aid?

[–] [email protected] 21 points 20 hours ago (3 children)

You Can’t Keep Your Parents’ Skulls [Caitlin Doughty | September 4, 2019 | theatlantic.com]

Under U.S. law, it’s nearly impossible to get permission to decapitate and de-flesh a relative’s remains.

Abuse-of-corpse laws exist for a reason. They protect people’s bodies from being mistreated (ahem, necrophilia). They also prevent a corpse from being snatched from the morgue and used for research or public exhibition without the dead person’s consent. History is littered with such violations. Medical professionals have stolen corpses and even dug up fresh graves to get bodies for dissection and research. Then there are cases like that of Julia Pastrana, a 19th-century Mexican woman with a condition called hypertrichosis, which caused hair to grow all over her face and body. After she died, her husband saw that there was money to be made by displaying Pastrana in freak shows, so he took her embalmed and taxidermied corpse on world tour. Pastrana had ceased to be regarded as human; her corpse had become a possession.

So where do skulls on bookcases come from? In the United States, no federal law prevents owning, buying, or selling human remains, unless the remains are Native American. Otherwise, whether you’re able to sell or own human remains is decided by each individual state. At least 38 states have laws that should prevent the sale of human remains, but in reality the laws are vague, confusing, and enforced at random. In one seven-month period in 2012–13, 454 human skulls were listed on eBay, with an average opening bid of just under $650 (eBay subsequently banned the practice).

If there were any legal wiggle room that might allow a person to get Dad’s head liberated from its fleshy shell, Tanya Marsh would know how to find it. Marsh is a law professor and the expert on human-remains law. “I will argue with you all day long,” she told me, “that it isn’t legal in any state in the United States to reduce a human head to a skull.”^[[1] https://archive.ph/SE19g]

[–] [email protected] 1 points 21 hours ago

Pretty tame humor for our boys in uniform.

You should hear some of their stories...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 23 hours ago

Corporations always give a backdoor for our angencies.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

Lots of Russia news, it seems: The Uhuru III trial in Tampa, Florida, is also going on; those were for socialists and for Black empowerment, though.

"I said that our 'favorite,' if I may say so, was the incumbent President Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he recommended that all his supporters support Ms. Harris. So we will do the same, we will support her," Putin said, smiling wryly at an economic forum in Vladivostok.

"It's not surprising that Putin said this with a smirk on his face, that is what he tends to do when engaging in the most blatant and overt trolling of American audiences," Giles said. "It is a burst of trolling, and he's done it before. We had the same excited reaction from some sections of U.S. and international media when he previously endorsed Biden, but of course it is meaningless. There is a clear preference from Russia because there is only one presidential candidate that is so much in favor of Russian interests and would be so inclined to pander to what Russia wants from Ukraine, from Europe, form the world and from the United States," Giles said, referring to former President Trump.

The Biden administration accused Russia on Wednesday of attempting to interfere in the November election, including by creating fake news sites designed to covertly spread Russian propoganda among Americans.

At a meeting of the Election Threats Task Force, which included FBI Director Chris Wray and other top officials in the Justice Department, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Russia Today, known as RT, a media outlet funded by the Russian state, had implemented a scheme to fund a Tennessee-based company to create and disseminate content that was consistent with Russia's goals of pushing division within U.S. society and undermining support for Ukraine.

Documents about another Russian campaign, called the "U.S. Social Media Influencers Project," described the Republican Party as "currently advancing a relatively pro-Russian agenda" that can be "exploited by posing as ardent [Republicans] and relaying the part of their agenda that coincides with ours."

In July, U.S. officials with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security indicated that Russia was working to boost Trump's candidacy in this election cycle, as it did in 2016 and 2020, though they did not directly name his campaign.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 days ago

It seems like Russiagate comes every four years.

IMO: Another more important Russian one is keeping up with the trial of the Uhuru III taking place in Tampa, Florida.

Now "far-left" and "far-right" groups are involved in Russiagate trials.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 days ago

All four are or were affiliated with the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement, which has locations in St. Petersburg, Florida, and St. Louis.

The defense attorneys, however, said despite their connections to the Russian organization, the actions taken by the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement were aligned precisely with what they have advocated for more than 50 years. Yeshitela founded the organization in 1972 as a Black empowerment group opposed to vestiges of colonialism around the world.

IMO: These are just more status quo fascists pushing for censorship of dissent, using another excuse to limit our first amendment rights.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Interesting, that is a lot of blocking, and it seems like a really small pool of certain types of people and information!

You know what you only want to see; thanks for sharing your views on the matter.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Edit: added sentences below quote

If you’re just gonna dismiss every media outlet

I am not dismissing it, I am just pointing it who funds and controls them.

Billionaires and corporations continue to buy up media.

Tim pool and Dave rubin and friends are literally russian mouthpieces no matter who says it.

They say this about the "far left" and the "far right", I am critical of these talking points.


Walker Hayes released “AA” on November 19, 2021.^[[1] https://genius.com/Walker-hayes-aa-lyrics]

For starters, the “AA” in this song is a shoutout to Alcoholics Anonymous, the well-known NGO which helps drunkards kick their alcohol addiction. The way the vocalist references said organization is in alluding to his own desire not to be re-captivated by such malady. The reason he regularly feels compelled to resort to the bottle is because, most simply put, Walker is a bit stressed out.

Up until this point Walker Hayes has a couple of multi-platinum hits under his belt, the most recent being 2021’s “Fancy Like“, which is considered to be his signature song.^[[2] https://www.songmeaningsandfacts.com/aa-by-walker-hayes/]

Part of the inspiration for this song was Hayes' near-relapse after his seventh child, Oakleigh, was born and died on the same day in June 2018. The evening after Oakleigh's burial, Hayes came close to drinking alcohol again after two years of sobriety. "That night I actually drove to a bar and I wanted to just get hammered and get in a fight, and I didn't have my wallet," he revealed on Apple Music Country's Ty Bentli Show. "And when I went home, I just broke down."

"When I walked in my house, and I was so ashamed, I saw my wife on the couch all by herself. I was like, 'I'm so sorry.' You know, I left her alone to just go self-destruct," Hayes continued. "And she helped me. She found an AA meeting in Williamson County."^[[3] https://www.songfacts.com/facts/walker-hayes/aa]

“It was funny: three recovering, alcoholics, writing the truth,” Hayes tells Everything Nash. “Just saying, ‘I’m just trying to do these things in life that I fail at all the time. But I’m trying, and that’s what I’m up to.’ That’s how that song came about. I walked in the room and ‘Fancy Like‘ was just on a rocket. Luke just laughingly said, ‘Man, how are you? What are you doing? How is it going?’ And I said, ‘Man, I’m just trying to stay out of AA.’ He said, ‘Let’s go. You write that down.’ And that was the conception of ‘AA.'”^[[4] https://www.everythingnash.com/walker-hayes-shares-the-story-behind-aa-exclusive/]

The song “AA” by Walker Hayes delves deep into the raw and emotional topic of addiction, particularly alcoholism. Hayes, known for his honesty and vulnerability in his songwriting, bares his soul in this hauntingly beautiful composition. The lyrics serve as a confession and a plea for redemption, as Hayes openly admits to his struggle with alcohol and the consequences it has had on his life.

In the bridge, Hayes explores the crucial turning point in his life. He reflects on blaming his failures in life on external factors like his pitching in baseball. However, once he became a father, he realized that he had the power to make a positive change. The lyric “But once a man becomes a father, I’m told the pitcher ought to do well” reveals a newfound determination to be a better person and break free from the grip of addiction.^[[5] https://beatcrave.com/the-meaning-behind-the-song-aa-by-walker-hayes-2/]


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/19425484

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Trial began Tuesday in Florida for four activists accused of illegally acting as Russian agents to help the Kremlin sow political discord and interfere in U.S. elections.

All four are or were affiliated with the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement, which has locations in St. Petersburg, Florida, and St. Louis. Among those charged is Omali Yeshitela, the 82-year-old chairman of the U.S.-based organization focused on Black empowerment and the effort to obtain reparations for slavery and what it considers the past genocide of Africans.



  1. lemmy.world/c/sponsorblock
  2. [email protected]

SponsorBlock is an open-source crowdsourced browser extension and open API for skipping sponsor segments in YouTube videos. Users submit when a sponsor happens from the extension, and the extension automatically skips sponsors it knows about using a privacy preserving query system. It also supports skipping other categories, such as intros, outros and reminders to subscribe, and skipping to the point with highlight.

The source code is fully open and the database can be downloaded by anyone. I want to keep this as open as possible! You can view the docs for the public API or host a mirror.


TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Trial began Tuesday in Florida for four activists accused of illegally acting as Russian agents to help the Kremlin sow political discord and interfere in U.S. elections.

All four are or were affiliated with the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement, which has locations in St. Petersburg, Florida, and St. Louis. Among those charged is Omali Yeshitela, the 82-year-old chairman of the U.S.-based organization focused on Black empowerment and the effort to obtain reparations for slavery and what it considers the past genocide of Africans.


Key Points:

  1. Streamer Exodus: The frequent switching back to Twitch suggests that YouTube live streaming may not be meeting the expectations of high-profile creators, impacting its credibility as a platform.
  2. Monetization Differences: Streamers find Twitch more profitable, particularly in terms of subscriptions and viewer engagement, raising concerns about YouTube’s monetization strategy for live content.
  3. Global Appeal: YouTube’s success in Asia indicates a potential strategy for growth, suggesting that the platform may need to focus on international markets rather than solely competing with Twitch in the U.S.
  4. Streaming Limitations: The 12-hour streaming cap affects YouTube’s ability to host long, engaging streams, which are becoming increasingly popular among audiences.
  5. Content Variety: While YouTube leads in overall viewership, it struggles in the gaming category, indicating a need to improve gaming-specific features to attract and retain streamers.
  6. Vtuber Dominance: The success of vtubers on YouTube highlights a unique niche that YouTube can capitalize on, reinforcing the idea that different content types perform better on different platforms.
  7. Algorithm Challenges: YouTube’s algorithm favors pre-recorded content, which may undermine live streaming’s potential, suggesting a need for a strategic overhaul to boost live content visibility.

OG Title: Snoop Dogg - Murder Was The Case (Dirty/Explicit Official Music Video) Remastered 1080p

#SnoopDogg - Murder Was The Case (Dirty/Explicit Official Music Video) #Remastered 1080p

Other Music Video Versions:

  1. [Not Explicit] Snoop Dogg - Murder Was the Case [04:21 | JUN 29 2016 | SnoopDoggTV] https://youtu.be/oGFVySHbeqA
  2. Snoop Doggy Dogg - Murder Was The Case (Live) [02:59 | MAR 24 2018 | UPROXX] https://youtu.be/pE7-H1LjIYc

Murder Was the Case is a 1994 short film and soundtrack album starring Snoop Doggy Dogg. The 18 minute film was directed by Dr. Dre and Fab Five Freddy and chronicles the fictional death of Snoop Dogg and his resurrection after making a deal with the Devil. The song itself tells roughly the same story as the movie, with Snoop making a deal with the devil so that he can see his sweetheart have his baby.^[[1] https://genius.com/Snoop-dogg-murder-was-the-case-deathaftervisualizingeternity-lyrics]


Edit; added alt. link

Alt. Link: https://archive.ph/7hgK1

LA City opens cooling centers amid heat wave

The City of Los Angeles is opening multiple cooling centers in the wake of the ongoing heat wave.

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - As searing temperatures continue to rise, the city of Los Angeles committed to opening cooling centers this week.

The air-conditioned spaces, free and open to pets, are expected to provide temporary relief to a public struggling with the heat.

Five cooling centers will be open from Tuesday through Friday:

  1. Fred Roberts Recreation Center, 4700 Honduras St., Los Angeles
  2. Mid Valley Senior Center, 8801 Kester Ave., Panorama City
  3. Sunland Senior Center, 8640 Fenwick St., Sunland
  4. Jim Gilliam Recreation Center, 4000 S. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles
  5. Lincoln Heights Senior Center, 2323 Workman St., Los Angeles

Additionally, the city stated that public libraries are spaces the public could utilize for cooling and shelter.

A statement issued by Mayor Bass' office said added that residents on Skid Row will be provided with cold beverages, seating and shade at the following stations:

  1. Towne Street (between Fifth and Sixth streets) across the street from the ReFresh Spot
  2. San Pedro Street, mid-block between Sixth and Seventh streets
  3. Fifth and Maple streets
  4. The ReFresh Spot, 544 Towne Ave., open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

The statement also advised the public to take preventive measures to avoid heat-strokes and other related issues.


Don McLean released this groundbreaking song on the album American Pie in 1971. It is full of pop-culture references. An entire website has been created by Jim Fann to explore the song— Understanding American Pie.^[[1] https://genius.com/Don-mclean-american-pie-lyrics]

This song tackles the evolution of rock & roll through the 60s, following the 1959 plane crash that led to the death of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper. McLean explores many of the major events of the 60s, including the moon landings, Dylan’s rise and crash, the dominance of The Beatles, and the death of Janis Joplin.

While his magnum opus is known for its deep, almost cryptic lyrics, for many years McLean left its meaning up to the speculation of others, feeling no need to explain things himself. Asked by one interviewer what the song meant, McLean said, “It means I never have to work again.”

McLean first revealed intended meaning of his lyrics in 2015, when the original manuscript and notes were sold at auction for a fee to the tune of $1.2 million.

Although the lyrics might no longer be enigmatic, McLean’s track will forever be regarded as a poetic look into the past of rock & roll.

For a quick summary of what the song means, check out this video:

Don McLean - The meaning of American Pie (UPDATE) | 08:46 | https://youtu.be/VsZFiMo8TIc

  • This is a revision to previously posted videos. I was fortunate enough to go to the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake IA and speak firsthand with many who were there including Tommy Allsup who flipped the coin with Ritchie Valens. This version corrects some factual errors and includes new footage from the SURF

Lyrics^[[1] https://genius.com/Bebel-gilberto-august-day-song-lyrics]

“August Day Song” captures a sense of bittersweet nostalgia, evoking images of days gone by and the longing for moments in the past. Through her smooth and delicate vocals, Bebel Gilberto invites listeners to explore their own memories and emotions, creating a deep connection with the essence of the song. The lyrics paint vivid pictures of summer days and fading memories, reminding us of the fragility and impermanence of life. This relatable theme allows the listener to reflect on their own experiences and the cherished moments they hold dear.^[[2] https://beatcrave.com/the-meaning-behind-the-song-august-day-song-by-bebel-gilberto/]


August is based off a relationship I had in my life where things seemed to only work out in the month of August. In that month everything was perfect and seemed like it would last forever. Yet outside that one month everything would fall apart until ironically the next August. The song is supposed to reflect on how in life we come across people that at times are the closest people to us and know us better than anyone, then at another they become complete strangers.

– Dillon Basse in an interview with Born Loser^[[1] https://genius.com/Flipturn-august-lyrics]

The lyrics of “August” are filled with poetic imagery, allowing listeners to delve into the emotions conveyed by the singer. The song starts with the lines, “August, honey, tasted sweeter with you / Sticky fingers from your old residue.” These lines suggest a sense of nostalgia and longing for a past love, reminiscing about how things were and the sweetness that was once shared.^[[2] https://beatcrave.com/w2/the-meaning-behind-the-song-august-by-flipturn/]


Edit: lyrics->added genius quotes

Uploaded originally on December 4th, 2018 by 4rif the second channel of the Youtuber Azerrz.

This song was originally going to be posted in early 2019 but as a request from the Fans, 4rif posted the track.^[[1] https://genius.com/4rif-august-lyrics]

“August” tells a story of a lost love, a relationship that was once vibrant and full of passion but eventually faded away. The song explores the emotions of love, heartache, and the inevitable realization that sometimes things just don’t work out.^[[2] https://beatcrave.com/w2/the-meaning-behind-the-song-august-by-4rif/]


Lyrics^[[1] https://genius.com/Chase-atlantic-august-lyrics]

August by Chase Atlantic is a song filled with raw emotions and introspection. The lyrics delve into themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the complexities of relationships. The song captures the essence of longing for change and a desire to break free from the mundane.^[[2] https://beatcrave.com/w3/the-meaning-behind-the-song-august-by-chase-atlantic/]

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