
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

No, I don't think it removes duplicate images.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Right now: 0.3GB per user per month. This number is probably much higher for other instances because I don't keep copies of federated images anymore and I've been compressing images early on.

This doesn't include bandwidth and backups.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago (6 children)

I managed to bring down ani.social's monthly costs to only ~14 USD when converted (which includes everything except backups). With 165 monthly users, that comes to around ~0.08 USD with a lot of accomodation.

Lemmy is efficient in resources except in storage (database and images) which grows infinitely. Unless you're purging older posts and images, it keeps growing (very slowly).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I made it a small badge so people wouldn't have to feel obligated to donate. But yes, the entire instance has been community funded already thanks to generous one-time and monthly donations!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Oops, I misunderstood how it works. You can add subdomains as your handle.

I thought subdomains were people using PDS. So I don't know anyone running a PDS. I might try running one just to see what it's like and actually learn the network.

But here's an example of @user.domain.com: https://bsky.app/profile/tomoshika.voms.net

I don't think they're using a PDS though. In fact, it's really hard to tell who's using a PDS or not. I'm not sure what the effect of this is in community-building and I wonder if control over the network is really decentralized. This is really... confusing.

Anyway, the PDS is a lot more complicated than I thought: https://docs.bsky.app/docs/category/advanced-guides

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

The users with PDS use something like @user.domain.com. Users with just @domain.com are under Bluesky IIRC.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

How was the concept first explained to you, or when did it click?

I don't remember. We had classes throughout elementary school that taught us how to use computers. I learned how to read the news and use email from my mom. I learned how to play games like Silkroad and StarCraft from my dad. I don't remember who taught me how to watch videos on YouTube. It kind of felt natural I guess.

Do you understand how insane it is to have the aggregate of all human knowledge — the only comparable thing once being a physical library or university — one search away? That it’s absolutely insane you can engage in a real-time conversation with someone on the opposite side of the world? That you can find niche communities in an instant?

No, not really. I never thougt about it that way until I was much older.

Were your parents super strict about internet usage? How quickly did you find workarounds?

Very strict. I could only use the internet if it was for school work during the week days. But during the weekends, I was free to use it however I wanted.

There were no workarounds until high school when I was free to play games and surf the web as much as I wanted any day of the week.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (5 children)

People have suggested making a portal/quiz for instance signups, but that adds to the barrier. There are also problems like how in-depth and inclusive it should be. It reminds me of Linux distro pickers that often suggest weird niche distros.

There are already big/default instances in the Fediverse though but there are people who actively discourage this. Maybe Mastodon just had a bad start and Bluesky learned from that. I wonder if Bluesky's PDS will be like Fediverse instances though. Many Fediverse instances are built around shared interests but the PDS just looks like a glorified handle.

Personally, I think the Fediverse discourse should shift to designing social media with decentralization in mind rather than mimicking mainstream social media with a "decentralized twist". I don't think the Fediverse will ever be as big as Twitter, but it doesn't have to be. It just needs to be sustainable enough to keep new conversations going.

Doesn't answer the question but maybe it's worth sharing anyway.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I've finally caught up to the 7th episode of Monogatari Off Season. I wish the series was more popular but I guess it's hard to get into for some especially when there's 100 non-linear episodes prior to Off Season. I realized the weekly rikka thread died so I'll try to revive that starting later tonight.

I spent most of my free time playing Persona 3 Reload the past few weeks and I've been considering watching the anime movies.

Also, it's typhoon season again so I hope everyone can stay safe.

[–] [email protected] 58 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I'm gonna wait for the platinum ultimate mega collector's anthology edition at a 90% discount after 7 years.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah, that seems to be a good point. Maybe kids around the age of Seita would understand it better.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I didn't know people were opposed to showing Grave of the Fireflies to kids. I always thought it was one of the better war movies to show to kids because there isn't much explicit violence and the main characters are children.


Archon Quest Spoilers

Sometimes I forget what happened in previous archon quests (and the story in general). I'm happy I remember Caribert from the cloth tied to his arm though.

His bit with Atossa was really emotional. Especially with the dolls on the tree in his island.

I found Caribert more interesting than the twins for some reason lol. I was a bit disappointed that the traveler doesn't remember their conversation with the other sibling. I was expecting something like what happened in the Sumeru Archon Quest.

I knew there was going to be a gift/ornament though but I wasn't expecting a photograph. It was a bit funny.

Anyway, I can't wait for the next summer event. Genshin Impact's summer events are always fun.

The only screenshot I was able to take:


I really like The Cynic Clinic so I wanted to share this video that provides some insight on school roofs which we often don't really think about.


I made a comment in the gacha pull thread earlier this month with Tighnari. I was short around ~30 pulls for another 5-star guarantee. I spent the last few days playing through the rest of the Fontaine Archon Quest. With the extra primos and fates, I managed to get Furina today!

KQM also just posted their Furina guide so I guess I'll be spending the next few weeks building her.

anime_irl (ani.social)
anime_irl (ani.social)

As of November 7, 2023 09:23 both Lemmy.World and lemmy.dbzer0.com have federated with us again. Thank you for quickly reviewing the situation and reversing your decision.

We hope that Lemmy.ml will follow soon.

Original post:

To anyone who is not familiar with the situation, please read our previous post for context.

Please do not say anything hateful toward the concerned instances' admins.

What happened?

A few hours ago, Lemmy.World and lemmy.dbzer0.com has defederated from ani.social, following the events of Lemmy.ml defederating from ani.social on November 3.

Lemmy.World has given a censure on Fediseer with the reason being "loli". lemmy.dbzer0.com has not given a reason for defederation as of the moment.

We disagree with anyone claiming that ani.social intentionally and knowingly hosts CSAM. We would like to remind everyone that ani.social has a content policy regarding CSAM content since day one. Specifically, our content policy states the following:

  1. Do not submit content depicting a child (both real and virtual) engaged or involved in explicit sexual activities. A child is defined as a person who is under 18 years old; or a person, regardless of age, who is presented, depicted or portrayed as under 18 years old.

To provide some context, the Lemmy developers excluded ani.social from the recently launched join-lemmy.org redesign without any clear reason provided. My pull request to remove ani.social from the exclude-list was denied for the reason being that ani.social is "full of CSAM". Shortly after, ani.social was defederated from Lemmy.ml. The full story may be found on the previous thread.

Numerous threads have since spawned, many of which have comments state that there is no evidence of the claim that ani.social is "full of CSAM" and that the decision was unfair. These threads include:

We respectfully ask the admins of Lemmy.World, lemmy.dbzer0.com, and Lemmy.ml to review the situation and our policies, and consider reversing your decision if there is no evidence that ani.social intentionally and knowingly hosts CSAM.

What now?

If you are a user of ani.social and wish to see content from Lemmy.World and lemmy.dbzer0.com, we kindly ask you to move to a different instance that is federated with all three instances.

If you are a user of Lemmy.World or lemmy.dbzer0.com and wish to see content from ani.social, we kindly ask you to send a request to your respective admins to reverse their decisions after reviewing the situation.

To all other Fediverse instance admins, we kindly ask you to carefully review our instance and its policies before defederating from us.

To all ani.social users, please do not forget to report content that violates our content policy.

My personal thoughts

As the admin of ani.social, I sincerely apologize to all our users regarding the defederation from three major Lemmy instances. I believe that this is my fault for not communicating our policies clearly enough. I will continue working toward a solution regarding this matter so please be patient.

Thank you for reading this, and I appreciate everyone's support.


Please do not say anything hateful to the Lemmy.ml admins or the developers. Before commenting on this thread, please read the post completely.

We (ani.social) have been defederated from Lemmy.ml a few hours ago presumably for the reason of being "full of CSAM" which I disagree.

What happened?

The Lemmy developers recently launched the new redesigned join-lemmy.org webpage which provides information about Lemmy and a list of servers that people can join. The redesign looks great! It details a lot of new and useful stuff such as a categorized server list and mobile apps. However, I noticed that our instance (ani.social) was not in the list despite previously being there before the redesign.

After looking through the joinlemmy-site code, I discovered that ani.social was added to the "excluded" list in a commit a few weeks ago. I thought that this was a mistake so I made a pull request to remove us from the excluded list (and also to add our instance's category and language).

Unfortunately, the pull request was closed with a comment that reads "No, that is full of CSAM". The thread was locked so I couldn't reply. I tried to reach out to the developers via Matrix, politely explaining that ani.social has a content policy rule against CSAM which reads:

  1. Do not submit content depicting a child (both real and virtual) engaged or involved in explicit sexual activities. A child is defined as a person who is under 18 years old; or a person, regardless of age, who is presented, depicted or portrayed as under 18 years old.

Unfortunately, my invitation was rejected and I did not hear back from them.

Shortly after, I discovered that Lemmy.ml had defederated from ani.social. The last post ani.social received from Lemmy.ml was just after the pull request was closed.

What does this mean?

This means that no user from ani.social can interact with communities from Lemmy.ml and vice versa. This affects those who subscribe to communities from that instance.

This also affects the anime community on Lemmy as a whole because the biggest anime discussion community resides on Lemmy.ml ([email protected]) in which their episode discussion bot, @[email protected], is hosted here. It's very concerning that as an anime-themed instance, we're now completely disconnected from this community and other related communities.

This also affects ani.social in the long run as our exclusion from the join-lemmy.org webpage will reduce our visibility. The exclusion from join-lemmy.org and defederation from Lemmy.ml may also prompt other instance admins to defederate from us. Generally, ani.social will be seen in a very bad light.

As the admin of ani.social, I genuinely feel heartbroken after what had happened. Not only do I feel like I'm doing a poor job of building ani.social but I also feel like I've disrespected the work of the Lemmy developers. I really apologize to those who are affected by this. I hope that this is just a misunderstanding and I will do my best to resolve this problem.

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