fuck yeah. does chaos mod still work? I miss a good grappling hook.
not as good as it used to be, still the best news sub on that shit site.
me: does a thing because I like it and I get kinda not shit at it.
Everyone else: HaVe You cOnSIDErEd DoinG ThaT PRofEssIONaLLY? YOu cOULd mAKE so MUCH MOneY.!1!
me: fuck off. I have a job. I do this for me.
everyone else: Do What yOU LOve anD You'lL neVER worK A dAy IN Your life.!
me: turn your hobby into your job and you don't have a hobby anymore. There's no faster way to hate your passion than to monetize it.
Depends on what you mean by "centrist". If you mean what the US calls centrist, then hell the fuck no. Actual centrism is considered "radical left" around here. If you mean "centrist" by the rest of the world standards, then we can talk.
I made the jump to Linux a few months ago, and while there are certain conveniences that I miss, everything I actually need works fine. As for gaming, I don't play anything with kernel level anticheat, so it doesn't matter to me that those don't work on linux.
And notice how all the screeching about genocide has gone silent? Proves that they never actually cared.
on the one hand, it looks great. On the other hand, I don't need another infinite time sink.
linux support when?
as a standalone work, divorced of all context, BvS was a perfectly serviceable movie. I had fun watching it.
I will not apologize for offending you with facts. Also, try reading my comment again and respond to what I actually said, instead of what you think I said.
no, "didn't vote" won the popular vote.
on the one hand, you're right and I agree with you.
on the other hand, I've got places to be and other people walk so fucking slow.