Realistic and no magick is an oxymoron
Hugging without consent is bad. The person you're touching might be autistic and you might be hurting them. That's why you ask first.
Americans think 13 hours in the same state is big? Cute!
You know how transphobes say to trans women, "You're a biological man, that's a physical fact of reality and you can't change that"? That's the kind of reality, law of physics, and limitation of our bodies that soulism seeks to abolish. Soulism recognises that such "laws" of reality as immutable sex are myths, and seek to abolish all belief in such laws.
Oh, okay. Soulism expands on the fact that everything is a bias.
If I was the wolf, I'd just point out that the shepherd eats lamb too, and is therefore just as much a murderer. The only difference is the amount of power in the equation. The wolf doesn't need to be bigoted to make its point, there are much better criticisms against the way the shepherd deprives the sheep of liberty. I didn't really understand why Lincoln was describing a foolish wolf who attacks the shepherd for bad reasons instead of readily available good ones. What the wolf says is pretty nonsense to me.
Oh okay. So what does racists complaining that the government freed slaves have to do with soulism?
WTF does the sheep's colour have to go with liberty? Do black sheep taste better? I thought their colour only mattered to humans because humans like to dye their woolen garments. A wolf doesn't need to dye clothes.
The reason why cult beliefs are considered mental illness is that most people don't understand psychiatric guidelines. Psychiatrists are not supposed to discriminate against patients for their cultural beliefs, and if they do, you can sue them for malpractice. Unfortunately, average joes aren't held to any psychiatric standard and can do whatever they want, and what some of them want is to discriminate against people different than themselves. If we want to change that, we need to take action to change that by telling cult haters to fuck off.
the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labour, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.
That's the USSR.
The man also concentrated ownership of the means of production in the hands of one person, administered by a hierarchy of national and regional subordinates who controlled the labour of the people and the distribution of resources. This is an economic model known most commonly as feudalism. Now given the term left wing originally referred to opponents of the monarchy in France, I don't see how there's any way to argue in good faith that a feudal dictator was left wing.
Neither of the above. Reality contains magick. Reality doesn't work without magick. The premise presented is impossible.