
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago

I've already modded this guy into the sims. Hope he enjoys swimming in a pool without a ladder.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

Well, I totally get it. Not sure what I'd do in your case. It should be understood that working with fachos is bad for business if nothing else, and it's not your responsibility to rehabilitate this guy's image.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Any chance that they'll disavow it?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Yeah people don't mind if you use a fake name/etc. You can use the platform while keeping it segregated from your real life

[–] [email protected] 9 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Local Facebook groups have worked for me, although I joined as a player in all cases. Then you may develop a network and find people that way if the scene is big enough.

Starting a band from scratch is a big undertaking. Musicians are flaky as hell. Don't get discouraged too easily.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I'm active on a number of local reddit-logo communities, some of which are mostly English-language, and some of which aren't. Demographically though, it's pretty much the same people.

In the English subs the amount of Zionist glowposting is maybe twenty times higher. It's staggering.

All because Israel's troll farms and bots don't speak my language.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago (4 children)

I don't know and I've asked myself the same question, but I think you should try kombucha if you haven't. It doesn't taste the exact same but it's the closest thing I know of to what you're looking for

[–] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago (3 children)

slippery slope fallacy

[–] [email protected] 39 points 10 months ago

Got damn it I broke my 60 day rationality streak by relying on sophistic thought to win an argument and now the owl is disappointed with me

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

I'm a board with a nail so big


The 1842 retreat from Kabul was the retreat of the British and East India Company forces from Kabul during the First Anglo-Afghan War. An uprising in Kabul forced the then-commander, Major-General William Elphinstone, to fall back to the British garrison at Jalalabad. As the army and its numerous dependents and camp followers began their march, it came under attack from Afghan tribesmen. Many in the column died of exposure, frostbite or starvation, or were killed during the fighting.

In total the British army lost 4,500 troops, along with about 12,000 civilians: the latter comprising both the families of Indian and British soldiers, plus workmen, servants and other Indian camp followers.

Out of more than 16,000 people from the column commanded by Elphinstone, only one European (Assistant Surgeon William Brydon) and a few Indian sepoys reached Jalalabad. Over one hundred British prisoners and civilian hostages were later released.

In defense of libs (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Liberal ideology is the free square at the center of the bingo card. It's the world view almost all of us inherit from the various authority figures that we grow up around. Reflection, of any sort, can only take you away from it.

Starting from there, it takes years of difficult reflection before you can even contemplate the idea that universal housing, food security and education should be human rights, and that upsetting the status quo to achieve that is a worthwhile goal, and that subsequently using authority to defend those rights against fascists and bourgeois revanchists is morally justifiable.

I also understand that being ideologically liberal means living with extreme cognitive dissonance. They are raised to believe that racism is bad, and are given zero of the intellectual tools necessary to understand why majority-white-european states tend to be astronomically richer than the rest of the world, or why the situation is not improving, and therefore have nothing but racism and associated notions (corruption, evil china influence, etc) to explain it. Similarly they are raised to believe in merit, insisting that hard work and ingenuity are necessarily rewarded by capitalism, and yet have to live with endless examples of the exact contrary in every single sphere of life, up to and including a god damn cheeto beating the most credentialed game-player politician in history and becoming president of the United States of America. It goes on and on, and it cannot be good for the human brain.

When these people retreat into their mind palaces, plug their ears and yell CIA talking points at us, it's hard for me to get mad or think less of them. I just feel sad. I just wish we could trephinate Marxism into these people's head and skip past all of the hyper-conditioned defense mechanisms that USA regime propaganda has hammered into their heads.

That is all


They have been in full recruitment mode lately. Posters all over Montréal and (I'm told) Toronto. I'm guessing every major city.

Has anyone here gotten involved with them or known someone who has?


jazz music plays, and a man with a bony red face walks onto the stage, smiling, and says "dane cook, saluting the spectators" while the audience applauds

a moment passes, and he says "bill burr, tastefully crossing a line"

the audience laughs as they imagine that the comedian told a joke of equal caliber, which is also evocative of the same themes

"marilyn monroe, her wardrobe malfunctioning"

loud whistles are heard, the ladies are blushing and cupping their children's ears

"jerry seinfeld, pondering the quality of airplane food"

another round of hearty laugther

"george carlin, questioning the order of things"

the audience claps loudly, and the comedian looks satisfied while still showing assurance in his own talent

"dave chappelle, lamenting cancel culture"

the Tamarian bows before the audience's standing ovation, and walks off stage. the show goes on to makes quintillions of dollars across multiple galaxies, years later the comedian tragically dies of a maraji crystal overdose




Here's one example (and this is just one example). My workplace makes heavy use of linters and static analyzers. The CI is configured so that if the linter outputs any errors or warnings, the pipelines fail. Often that occurs because an empty code block or type definition contains a space, and the linter really wants to see '{}' instead of '{ }'. I simply cannot imagine the consequences to humanity at large if this excess whitespace ever made it to production. The kicker here is that the default VS Code autofmt wants that singular space to be there, and inserts them itself, and the default Angular linter thinks they really do not belong. I'm not sure which of these two organizations (Microsoft and Google) are right, as both normally emit good practice the way Moses emits commandments, and they are now in direct contradiction with one another.

I have approached colleagues about the idea of maybe turning off some or all of these rules, and was promptly told that I should have my editor configured to run the linter and apply its fixes whenever I save, and given instructions on how to do so. This is a Good Argument, in that it solves my problem effortlessly, but I just can't resign myself to do it, and still find myself embarrassingly pushing commits to apply linter recommendations after opening merge requests. To put it as simply as I can, I have identified The Problem. Please address it. I do not care if your solution is easy and low impact. It does not solve The Problem, it just sticks a layer of paint over it. It's also not just the failing builds that piss me off, it's also that the linter is garbage and overly opinionated and actively makes our code look worse by (for instance) removing line breaks in lengthy call chains or array literals making them longer than 100 characters. Motherfucker I broke that up for a reason.

As far as dysfunction and cargo cult nonsense goes, I have seen a hundred times worse in my time. This is a complete non-issue. But fuck me, I can't do it. I can't be slippery like that anymore. I just can't tolerate all this fucking process that never touches the fundamental problem of engineering nondiscipline. I can't jump on the latest fads that promise to solve every factoring problem and just make code bases wordier and ten times more opaque. I don't want copilot to be fucking turned on by default. It sucks and will always sucks no matter how many teraflops you throw at the LLM and how strongly you believe that AGI is among us. I just want to choke a bitch. I want to punch some poindexters in the face and break their +1.50 glasses.

Maybe I should quit software development? Should I flip burgers? Become an Agile coach? Go fight for the YPG?


why do libs act like I gotta memorize their whole fucking wiki just to have a seat at the table

does quantitative tightening help fight inflation? maybe! will reserve requirements and savings bonds help? I don't know! does pissing on a fire help put it out? maybe?!

do you know? no you don't! you're just repeating shit you heard from more credentialed libs! who are usually doing the exact same! and if you follow this chain of deference all the way to the top you'll probably land on some sort of bank executive! so cringe! no thanks!!

sometimes making things simpler also makes them more correct. minecraft your tyrants. that is all thank you for listening


As a matter of fact, don't make eye contact, and generally avoid being in my field of view. Until I've had my coffee that is.

I will walk into the office with my retinue, single file, each man and woman armed and trained in the ways of ritual combat. You will address only the lowest ranking among them. You may ask them how my day has been. They will answer either in the affirmative, with a singular nod, or in the negative with a backhand slap. It will likely be demanded of you that you relinquish any food items or jewelry in your possession. But only if I haven't had that coffee though. Because then I'm just a normal guy you can talk to, no big deal.

I may on occasion be surrounded by DARK SWIRLS of WARP ENERGY which appear UNNATURAL and REFLECT NO LIGHT WHATSOEVER. If you approach, one may begin chasing you. Upon catching you it will begin feeding on your happiest memories. Escape is not likely. So you best wait until I've had my coffee before you talk to me!

One telltale sign that I haven't yet had my coffee is that plants nearby me are rapidly wilting. The same will obviously happen to your intestinal flora if you get too near, causing immediate health complications. After I have ingested my morning coffee however I am able to remain in the vicinity of plants with no deleterious consequences.


Why do Italians insist on betraying the trust we put in them


Still kind of a dumb idea but hey. It's a crazy unexpected turn from our neolib government after years of every sort of expert advising against it and them threatening to go through with it anyway. Carbrain chuds are obviously mad and it's glorious.

Dirty anglo source

:train-shining: :crab-party: :train-shining: :crab-party:

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