When I read stuff like that, I'm always wondering: if it's really done, how is it going to backfire ?
These kinds of massive modifications of the environment all look like a good start for a distopian novel.
Thanks !
Use searx: https://searx.github.io/searx/ It provides the expected results and do not track you. You can even host it yourself
Or you can take a look at the list of instances here: https://searx.space/
Pour info la source est là : https://archive.ph/Pgoh2
C'est le financial times qui sort un article sur des déclarations du secrétaire général de l'ONU
Quelques infos sur Era 5, la source des données : https://www.ouest-france.fr/sciences/entretien-comment-les-scientifiques-mesurent-ils-les-records-mondiaux-de-temperature-affe20ae-2b8a-11ee-9fbe-356e067af276