I never said that its morally okay for pedophiles to causal molest pre pubescent because pre pubescent children can not consent to sex. They do not know the long term social ramifications of sex.
What I said was hypothetically speaking if a pedophile is just having fantasies in his head about molest pre pubescent children but never actually molest or watching actual CP then I don't think that they're a morally bad person. Because having fantasies in your head isn't hurting anybody as long as you don't actually follow through with.
If someone has fantasies in their head of killing someone but never actually kills anyone then they're morally not a bad person because the fantasies that they have in their head isn't hurting anybody.
But forcing someone to go get help when they haven't even done anything morally wrong. Is immoral in my opinion. It should always be up to person if they want to get help or not.