I dunno. The first half was the original Italian Job.
…and completely ignoring that a lot of countries are struggling.
Hang on lads, I’ve got a great idea…why don’t they create a new flag that represents everyone?
And the sub doesn’t even have to be related. I got banned from commenting in r/thatsinsane for a comment in r/karma4u, can’t even remember commenting there.
I’m assuming that it was one of those anonymous surveys…who ever believed that they’re anonymous?
I do this every time I go for diesel….gotta make sure I buy diesel not petrol.
Do we up or down vote this? What are they scared of?
I would say so. My concentration spans decimated, it’s either this or drinking. Or stress.
I remember my mate at school when I was 6 or so telling me your mum and dad let him. Can’t remember anything beyond that.
Since MySpace, social groups have had a very limited lifespan. Even Facebook looks like it’s on the brink of imploding.
Encarta. And something I can’t remember the name of that had a man’s bald head with grey hair on the sides…
What was that figure like before that fella got shot?