
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Not everywhere, in the children's book my school used they retained that verse and even had complementary illustrations. I am sure some school boards have successfully gotten it removed, but it there are a not insignificant number of schools that keep the verse in.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

Watching her flirt with Scarborough is my own personal 9/11

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Based on polling the lib voters are actually a lot less addicted to that victim-as-hero image than their representatives are. The problem is that the message the Democrats sell to their voters from the top-down has consciously been chosen to be the "when they go low, we go high" message. But letting their voters cast themselves as the hall monitors of democracy and decency is just the form of appeal the top Dems consciously crafted to be most advantageous to them in their simultaneous pursuit of rewards from capital and everyday voters--who have the potential to become far more radicalized.

People will go toward whichever mainstream and widely publicized figure/party that agrees most with their views, just like how most people choose to go see studio movies over Indies because that's what has the ad spend. So Dem voters choose which leaders to follow and let themselves be guided by based on who they're putting on the TV, but what the popular Dem politicians and pundits espouse do not represent the fixed baseline average for what their voters already believe, just the fixed baseline for what their voters feel free to say at the current moment. Looking at an example from the other side, Republicans were terrified to call out Iraq for being a disaster until Trump called it out in a debate and opened the floodgates overnight.

The Dem voter-politician split on Gaza, Medicare 4 All, etc. is so stark, and while Biden is pulls his anti-Trump ads out of decorum the liberal voters online, especially on black Twitter are like "I don't give a fuck if he got popped." The message their voters crave has no mainstream figure to articulate for them yet.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (4 children)

While the Democrats deserve no help, this original post is about how we should resign ourselves to fascism because the Teamsters are at the RNC. Doesn't that imply that we at least prefer they not be there, even if it means being at the DNC? We should focus on moving the needle toward what we want. The Dems may stand to benefit and piggyback off us for power, but what other option is there really at the point. If we genuinely believed that Trump and fascism have won and the only option is mutual aid groups for when he is in power, Hexbear would be filled with posts on mutual aid groups building. But we clearly don't believe in that deep down yet or at least have some residual hope of something different, and we can work chasing that feeling.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Yeah but see, they will write you off the moment they see some words that code as communist. But the folk singer Woodie Guthrie was an open communist, and incepted communist-friendly ideas many Americans still subconsciously hold because he had deliberately crafted and normie-resonant lyrics. I mean, they're still teaching "This Land is Your Land" in kid's classrooms!

That's why something as seemingly trivial as just word choice might determine whether some idea is palatable, and why people pay millions to PR strategists. The getting together and work shopping some talking points that travels is best done by the empire but can at least be done in some small scale and gain virality the left doesn't currently have enough of. The conservatives know that their ideas are not popular and so they fight tooth and nail to soften them while generating reflexive negative feeling toward words associated with the left. But we can thread the needle and grandfather into the public mind leftist ideas that are already popular but saddled with unpopular terms.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 3 months ago

I think that one thing that makes countering narratives more effective is if we didn't all make different scattered arguments, and try to challenge things only as they come up in our circles like whack-a-mole, if we actually unified around a set of the same points that people see everywhere. I mean how many people have you heard from that "the left is now illiberal?" That was a concerted push of a singular collectively workshopped message until it took hold in the public consciousness. Bush and Frank Luntz workshopped a way to remove rich people's inheritance taxes by polling pejorative names for it until they hit gold with "the death tax."

I am not saying the propaganda machines against us aren't powerful, but I am saying that we are not even at the most power we ourselves can be, aren't even trying to approximate a DIY version of that machine.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

That is the liberal belief, but there is no historical proof that that will be exactly how things unfold, it's just conjecture. In fact 38% of people polled already believe it was his fault, is it really impossible to get maybe 13% more people to also believe it?

Liberals have completely lost faith in the art of persuasion, and don't think vividly enough when they try to game strategies out. How we say that it is his fault matters just as much, and if we say the Dems had policies which could have prevented the shooter from getting his gun, that we are just worried about whether the chaos of that rally will reflect the chaos of his presidency, these are the types of approaches that can make an on the fence voter go, "huh, that kinda makes sense, I never thought of it like that."

It of course has a chance of backfiring but it also has a chance of cutting down the polling bump he gets from being shot.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (8 children)

No it is not just telling people Trump is bad, it is things we haven't gone far enough to do such as actively campaign to devalue Trump's fist pumping image rather than circlejerk ourselves over it being iconic and for the textbooks already. What about outright incepting the idea into the non-MAGAs about how this shooting was Trump's fault, which 38 percent of voters already believe it is? What if what we do now to contextualize that "iconic" moment turns its caption in the history books to "The last gasp of life for the extinct MAGA movement?"

We love making fun of libs here for how they are too scared to do anything mask off that might actually be electorally effective. Well, leftists aren't restricted by that, and it's only us who have the power to make that more potent flavor of rhetoric that gives words to what the Dem base actually wants to say publicly and can win through. The chud Nazis are self-serious and when they are not in total executive power yet they lose soft power when made into subjects of piercing ridicule. When we undercut every post they make honoring the racist shooting victim by mentioning he was a bloodthirsty Zionist whose death was kinda funny, they actually become more demoralized than they are galvanized.

Only leftists can make the kind of propaganda that liberals crave viscerally but are too married to their self-perceptions as "the adults in the room" to make. The mutual aid groups we build will be a reaction to the fascist harms we can no longer avoid. What I am talking about is a pro-action to impactfully wound the Nazis as they attempt to rise that only leftists have the wherewithal to do.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (38 children)

I know we are just a small group of shitposters but what have we done at all to even try to sway public opinion even gently? We can say electoralism doesn't work for the Dems or leftism but does it work for the Republicans? Is there maybe a way we try to normalize the narrative that Trump's own chaoticness contributed to why he got shot (which is what 38% of those polled already believe) just so that we can at least say we tried something before throwing our hands up and resigning ourselves to fascism?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You see with 38% blaming Trump it is easy for Dems to turn things around and win

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Highly recommend Girls5Eva

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

They don't catch it when they do this, but they feel a pleasing rush of serotonin each time they reaffirm to themselves that they have class. It is a drug, if we manage to ween them off it so much more would get done.

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