
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Holy shit, amazing rat-salute-2 rat-salute-2 rat-salute-2

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

instead of just shrugging when their treat access was limited a tiny bit like 99% of them, went into the huge tantrum and actually left

So, all the wonderful folks from subs like "coontown," "jailbait," "incels," "beatingwomen," "watchpeopledie," "gendercritical," and "The_Donald" then?

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

I wonder if it’s because they realize that roleplaying revolutionaries does nothing to advance the working class, and that the main job right now is to pull the populace left and organize labor so there CAN be a sustainable socialist future

Is that what they call their system that is spiraling backwards in many ways- engaging in "forever wars" and provoking WW3, destroying the biosphere and directly contributing the deaths of tens of millions from preventable causes and exacerbated climate catastrophes alike, trying to maintain their monopolies*, reserve currency*, and hegemony over the overwhelming majority of humanity rather than accepting equality and thus engaging in diplomacy and cooperation?

*spoiler*industrial rentier and economic infrastructure rentier behavior respectively

not to live out your wildest ML fantasies where you get to shoot all the anarchists and exile all the Whites?

And by this... they mean, the "ML fantasies" of self-defense against those who at some point will refuse and actively work against and attack the creation of state systems or even just complex organizations that are necessary to resist and put an end to the aforementioned system. Whether due to issues with the concept of hierarchy in and of itself (anarchists) or due to... preserving their supremacy (racial, ethnic, material, sexist, etc).

Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone, no one cares about the genuinely apolitical. No one gives a shit if anarchists want to start their "not-state" communes in the middle of the wilderness, or if white people are willing to live as equals (or otherwise want to go start their own "racially pure" communes in the wilderness and inbreed to death in peace without disturbing anyone else). People generally won't even care if someone has been or remains bourgeois, so long as their heart and thus their actions are in and directed towards the right place (Engels was a industrialist, Armand Hammer was "Stalin's favorite capitalist" and had an estimated net worth of $800 million by his death in the 1990s). The white liberal persecution strikes again.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Since I didn't see your first post when it happened, welcome rat-salute-2

And I couldn't agree more. None of us are here, at the political juncture we are, because we wanted to be. People don't want to live in a world that is so fundamentally broken, nor to be exploited and live precariously, etc... most people don't want to experience racism and other bigotry, they don't want to have their countries destroyed by war or their people genocidally slaughtered, and so on. We were driven here because of the material conditions and societal contradictions (racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, classism, etc) of our lives, and having either empathy or at least finding rational common interest/cause with others after seeing the material conditions of others' lives (up to and including the sheer destruction, deprivation, and genocide currently being waged- by the western system- on Gaza).

We're here because their system, the system they protect and circle around is a hideous, genocidal, hyper-exploitative one, and many of us (the overwhelming majority of humanity by a wide margin, really) are the human detritus they have left in their wake. We're here because we have either the principles or at least understanding (once again, of common cause) to not look away from the death, destruction, and deprivation their system causes around the entire world, and the decency to stand against it- whereas they are complicit with it, defend and support it, like with their posts about you, and some (probably more than we'd suspect) are directly participating in it. We are the product of their collective actions within their system, and because of their denial of guilt and assumed self-interest (for social acceptance, economic interest, etc) they hate us for it.

I certainly didn't start off here, rather I was raised to be the opposite in many ways. And I wanted to be optimistic, I even wanted to be and was ignorantly patriotic and hopeful for a time. I certainly don't want to live in a country which is actively and directly supporting industrial genocide, which is a racist and exploitative hellhole doing its best to instigate a 3-front WW3, and in which I see poverty and hopelessness all around me, and where any rational and informed understanding of the system I live under will show that it only serves to perpetuate and exacerbate all of these issues for its own gain.

Fuck the libs, may they burn in hell, if one exists they will surely be going there. If they had barest minimum human decency so as to stand against genocide, they would not be where and as they are. Even many children, even the "apolitical," etc... have considerable ability to realize and stand against such horror, and yet they refuse- I would even say that they fight against their basic human instincts of social empathy (or lack it altogether). With the exception of those too young (and even then, very sheltered) to have seen and understood the real world, none of them have any excuse; they have made retaining their place of privilege (or ambitions towards it) relative to and in support of the exploitative, genocidal, warmongering meat grinder of empire the hill they want to die on. And they will be damned for it, whether directly, by history, or their causing the end of human existence and history altogether.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

Thanks meow-hug it honestly is really nice to receive a message like that I wasn't expecting meow-melt

I started using this name after somewhat of a complete breakdown, but that's a few years ago now if it helps :> still usually sad but it gets better, lately been socializing more so that's a plus.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago (2 children)

At least from my anecdotal experience (lived at different times with separate parents and both sets of grandparents after turning 18) I think most people who would expect rent from their kids would be total scumbags and likely burger-brained.

The only one who asked for it, also conveniently kicked me out once for a short time on a misunderstanding (thought I was lying about having a job- or at least that's the claim, nowadays I don't know if that was just part of the plan- uh, typical narcissist stuff). They'd also always threaten to refuse the rent (and boot me out) if I didn't go to church, etc... and of course transitioning was a no-go. Talked to them about it much later (nowadays we're NC) and they said they had never even considered that it could be rental abuse... they're still a shithead but at least I don't think they're charging my siblings rent now

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Cheers to you! xi-clap

Not old (late 20s, tbh don't consider 42 old though there's definitely a mildly intimidating age/experience gap sometimes, but if you own the label go for it) but mad respect for you rocking out here (is that how you say it in your generation?)

TBH I just had a really cool chat with a (she said she was in her 60s?) indigenous Chilean auntie who had a pretty decent power level (leftist level) at least from what I could tell. And I guess I chat with an Iranian (probably also same age range) auntie once in a while (well twice so far) as well who is pretty decent... Restored that bit of faith in IRL (imperial core) humanity that needs resuscitating every now and then tbh. Maybe in time I should try to see if they'd be interested...

[–] [email protected] 58 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

Was it alt-right or communism for you?

I started as alt-right, realised I actually like queerness. Then I went communist, realised murder is childish and how much I was being played and then decided to do my own thing.

So they started with embracing hate, then embraced communist aesthetics (presumably to be edgy while not understanding the communist analysis), and then finally, they decided that the status quo where murder happens conveniently mostly out of sight of the imperial cores and everything stays the same is best, because all those people resisting the empire are upset for (some reason)?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Also not to dox myself, but if it happened here as well, I can guarantee we (the country) asked for it, and the world would be better off for it (net positive as you said). Honestly, while it would be utterly tragic and would wipe out much of my immediate family as well and likely my partner and I as well in the aftermath- I'd go so far as to say that if Yellowstone had a massive eruption (of the worst scale imaginable), so long as the US doesn't launch the nukes to bring the rest of the world down with them (entirely possible, maybe even more likely than not) the rest of humanity would be better off (despite the resulting volcanic winter and likely famines that would cause, and the massive disruption or more accurately destruction of much of the modern world economy).

Things are just that bad, and the west is only trying to force the world to even worse. They (the west) only have terrorism now to offer the world; their system is defunct (anyone here should already understand that much, even if it's Hexbear) and is at such a point where it is literally cannibalizing itself and not just destructive and inefficient (as rentier/exploitative behavior always was), but wholly counterproductive to actual production and real wealth (not talking about capital, and wealth can be held either in private or public/proletarian control but you get what I mean) and prosperity, and destroying itself and trying to drag the rest of the world down with it to sustain its contradictions. And that's before getting into the multiple pressing crises their system is causing- climate change, nuclear war, pandemics, neoliberalism...

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Everyone is thinking Humans, land first, then live on there. I think we are putting the cart before the horse on this

Agreed generally. Counterargument though- billionaires, land first, then live(?) on there. Totally sustainable and it even returns a whole lot of wasted, poorly-allocated and ill-gained resources back into the system on Earth for humanity to benefit from immediately. Highly practicable (and flexible, once they're out of orbit it doesn't matter where they go or if anything goes wrong), sustainable, and virtually zero risk (at most, the shuttles are a write-off- using catapults instead might remedy this).

The rest of the process you described can happen after, but I think this is the most appropriate course of action.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 week ago

Oh shit, she's really unleashing her Dark Klanmala now... john-agony DAE alcohol? LMAO

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Looking it up if nothing else it had a hell of a payoff:

“My dear departed grandmothers(whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents , must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”

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