
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

allows states to enforce laws that replace faithless electors

Ah, yeah that's a whole 'nuther problem. Comes after the initial problem of actually getting those 270 in their seats and to vote in unison.

all for the FBI to assassinate the candidate

Damn, that's true. so many problems with that idea haha!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Yeah, it actually really confuses me that people say that your vote matters in the USA. Even if you're fully bought into the system, D's or R's, you can't fucking deny that the Electoral College is gonna do whatever it fucking wants. The electoral college mostly ignores what its people say ( Obviously, they mostly align, but some counties that flipped last election, they decided to ignore that, and some counties didn't flip, and they decided to ignore that too). There were electoral college members that voted third party in Trump vs Clinton. Like what? Talk about a protest vote haha.

Hell, if American Communists could get their act together and just get as many people secretly into the Electoral College as possible, we could totally fucking run a coup in this place ( Okay, okay. Once you become a part of the system, you tend to have a hard time fighting it. So, honestly, that probably wouldn't work).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

This was really insightful, I liked the concrete examples, thank you!

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago

Always upvote my boy Ben!

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 month ago

Holy shit this goes hard. Such a great use of the meme!

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Absolutely, I think this is a great idea.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 months ago

Best of luck to them!!!! Hopefully we see more good news come from Nepal and not a sudden turn to revisionism.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 2 months ago AP reports the gunman was killed and an attendee was killed. If we get reasonable answers for who they were it's safe to say it wasn't staged.

Fucking practice better if you're gonna do this. Shesh you only get one attempt...

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

I really never go back myself, but I keep it around because first things first, there are more specific hobbyists and knowledge subreddits that still contain useful information.

Sleep apnea, vertigo, things like that where people aren't talking politics at all, and they just want to talk about their condition and ask questions and get some help.

I still sometimes find it useful for tech questions and answers and in general might use it to look up some recommendations or reviews. But in actuality it is becoming worse and worse and worse for things like that. So I'm not sure how long that will last.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

It'S tHe MoSt MoRaL aRmY iN tHe WoRlD!!!

[–] [email protected] 25 points 2 months ago

Jesus, what an arrogant piece of shit. Even if, EVEN IF, you are someone that wants to support the Democratic Party, you have to believe that he is an arrogant piece of shit. Right?

I'll tell you what, I might live here, but I'm no longer participating in political theater, and this is just funny now. I mean, everybody's just shooting themselves in the foot all day long and it's just hilarious.


So I was just doing a bit of research about some science advancements in graphene processors, as I heard about it in a segment about China's recent research breakthroughs. I did some googling and found... let's say a slightly biased perspective (Just kidding, it's straight up propaganda)

So this is the research paper:

Notice how there are 12 researchers from Tianjin University in China, also notice how there are 3 researchers from Georgia Tech, this includes one american author who co-founded this research center with person in china. So this is a joint effort. He's actually listed as also being a part of Tianjin University, so I guess 13 to 3 people in each respective university (one person double counted).

If you google for "graphene seg semiconductors" you get:

  • Georgia techs website first, okay.
  • A couple links to the article on arxiv and nature, cool,

And then, a bunch of news articles:

Well damn, with 13 out of the 15 researchers having affiliation with the lab in China, you would think that someone would emphasize that this research was done... In China? Not just "helped" by China, not just "assisted by", but like, most of the research was done there. On paper this was a partnership, but most sites won't even go that far. Georgia Tech did this/that/was awesome/yay america, oh and some place in China was involved too, only sometimes mentioned.

My god, it's as if Usonians just can't swallow the fact that China has scientists... and researchers... and like, smart people. As a Usonian who is breaking out of my media bubble, it's crazy to me to see how fucking biased our "neutral" sources of information are. Wikipedia hasn't been updated with this info yet, but I bet it will mark down all the awesome work Georgia tech did while only mentioning in passing that some place in China was also involved.

I'm not even gonna bother posting this to a lib space like reddit. The copium would be too much for me to handle. The only thing I can think about is if the tables were turned, no lib would have a problem calling out "CCP propaganda" after the first sentence of the article claimed "Tianjin University in China does breakthrough research on graphene processors!"


After finding this yt channel based on a Yogthos post, I went through a couple of their recent videos and I thought this was a good review. I timestamped the part where he goes into green energy/CO2 production.

Awhile ago I did some semi-deep diving into the energy use of China, as I am trying to gather as much factual based information as possible about all the liberal conspiracy theories about China. This segment pretty much sums up what I found as well.

  1. China has waaaaay more people than the US, so it makes sense their emissions are higher ->as a whole<-- (For example, if china was, like 10 countries, none of them would have high emissions and the US would have no one to pint a finger at)

  2. After taking into account that the average Chinese citizen produces almost half of the emissions of an american, you can ->further<- take into account that most of China's emissions are in manufacturing (In america, it's as much transportation as anything else, in China transpiration is very small by comparison, the video covers that too), and most of those emissions are actually going to foreign lands, mostly Americans and Europeans. After taking this into account I think it reduces China's emissions by at least 20%, and I think that puts the average Chinese person below half the emissions of an american.

  3. The world cannot be sustained if everyone lived like an american. It is a privileged position, and thus, Americas emissions (and history of total emissions) is the reason that other countries are not "allowed" to advance like America has.

I just thought this was a fantastic review. Send this to any dumb lib online who thinks that China is the cause of global warming. The probably won't watch, but hopefully someone will.


As a city design enthusiast who has been thinking about car-based infrastructure Longer than I've been thinking about communism, I am curious to hear the story from people living in China about daily commutes or just getting around for daily activities in a major Chinese city.

By the way, since this isn't a communism-specific question, let me know if there is a particular social media that you think is great for asking these kinds of question without getting sinophobic nonsense. For now, this is about the only place I think I'm going to get a good answer Ha ha.

So back to the question. Specifically, I'm thinking about people living directly in the city, but then also living on the outskirts. Are there things like suburbs in China? I definitely have heard about cities and rural differences, but I haven't heard of anything along the lines of suburbs or what those suburbs look like.

China has the best high speed rail in the entire world, as far as I've ever heard. I think Sweden has some good high speed rail, but it doesn't serve 1.4 billion people heh. But do they have more regional trains? Do they have commuter trains? Is it basically just car-based commuting? Are there massive traffic jams during rush hour like you would see in the West? Is biking very popular? And or electric scooters, electric bikes, segues, or other micro-imability transportation?

Okay, that's a lot of details. If you have a link to a blog that has talked about this, I'll totally read through that as well.


Warning, rant incoming. Not much of substance here, I just gotta vent to like-minded individuals.

Okay, some background, I'm a new-ish commie who doesn't have as much time as I want to do deep research dives.

But I've done some.. and I'm getting pissed.

CNN, BBC, and mintpres, let's talk about them.

  1. I've dove into a couple of articles around conspiracy theories regarding China. Harvesting organs (Literally no evidence, the sources stated don't come close to evidence), and Uyghur forced labor (Dumb libs think that a jobs program after their counter-terrorism education program counts as "forced labor"... Maybe there's more? I can't find real evidence but let me know in the comments if there is anything with evidence I should look into), both of them heavily cited by the BBC.

  2. CNN's Israel propaganda (

  3. Mintpress, never read them, apparently libs hate them (What do you think? Genuinely curious as people here are way more reasonable than anywhere else I spend my time).

So, what I have is some real evidence that the BBC spreads false conspiracy theory propaganda about China that's pretty easily verifiable. I guess that's why China banned them (Oh, and apparently also because the British government banned CGTN).

CNN also has the journalistic integrity of... Well, someone defending a genocide... so basically like a Nazi funded newspaper? Bad as it can get.

Now, I've never read Mintpress, I don't know if they've spread conspiracy theories, who cares. That's not the point here. Let's say they did, let's say Mintpress is all lefty lies and conspiracy propaganda, etc.

You can check out the wikipedia's articles about them for yourself, suffice to say, they don't mention any of the lies CNN/BBC spread, but literally that's the only thing mentioned in the Mintpress article.

If wikipedia were 'neutral', they would talk about the bad sides of CNN/BBC as much as Mintpress, as the evidence is clearly there. As well, some neutral information about Mintpress would be nice too. Sure, use it to learn about the chemistry and biology and the class of the flower you just found, cool, but politics? Fucking biased as it gets.

Like, how can someone with a functioning brain defend this? I guess I used too, but it's just so fucking obvious now. Like, how many times has some 'reputable' news source been caught lying, cheating, or just plain editorializing (I'm guessing that's what mint press does, takes facts and editorializes, that's what everyone does), and nothing is mentioned in wikipedia. How much information is just... oppressed? Damn it, these people call China oppressive, what fucking hypocrites.

Prolewiki to the rescue! I only wish the articles about CNN/BBC were longer. Maybe when I get more time and do a deep dive I can find time to contribute. I think I have my old references too, just can't find them right now.

Okay, I'll end with this, a lot of people here write off anything Wikipedia has to say as nonsense, I used to think that was a bit extreme, but now... I guess I just learned for myself how bad it is.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

You can read about the reason I'm asking this in the spoiler. TLDR I'm just wondering if there's some debunking I can do since western media is oh-so-not-trustworthy


I'm in some IRL debate (Well, online but in a closed chat) with some libs. They are talking about the right-wingers saying Taylor swift is being paid off to spread democratic votes, whatever, hollyweird are all dems, no conspiracy needed.

I mentioned that we need to actually, you know, actively keep conspiracy theories from spreading, and my liberal friend is gishgaloping a bit, but I'll bite since they are sincere, even if wrong.

They came back with "Well china has conspiracy theories", which I didn't mention china, I didn't mention anything about censorship, it's just gishgalloping like I said, but anyway..

Any truth to this one? I mean being anti-gmo is not rare, so I'm not surprised if it was true. I don't have a good handle on high quality china news (And cannot read their sites myself, even with translators it's a slow experience).

Edit: Oops, I had to go AFK after posting this and didn't get to clarify as the comments were all being. I meant do Chinese people broadly believe in the conspiracy theories around GMOs such as causing cancer or making your DNA change or something like that. Of course GMOs are complicated science and are a tool used by capitalists to patentize (did I make up that word? Lol) the food industry, which is a natural science and typically difficult to patent.


This is a lib source, but iFixit is trying to, within the capitalist system, change things. It won't work, but eh, I at least usually trust them when they say a product sucks.

These are the worst, irreparable, ad-ridden, who-asked-for-this-garbage, at CES 2024. I bet no one here would buy any of this, or be excited that BMW will come out with ad-glasses for your driving "pleasure", but it's kinda funny (In the so-sad-its-funny-not-funny way) that they are even trying.

Anyway they have lib answers to this, "contact the ftc", as if they have any fucking teeth, or contact your state legislatures, as if they aren't already paid off... Whatever, they aren't commies but at least it's kind entertaining in a dystopian way.


I've just learned of this 1986 research article: "Capitalism, Socialism, and the Physical Quality of Life" from the podcast 'actually existing socialism', I'm trying to find a link to the real article, not just the abstract, but everywhere that carries it seems to want me to pay for it. Does anyone have a link to where I can find the full copy?


New failing-new-york-times-times fake news dropped a couple days ago I haven't seen yet.

Anyone know if this is wholly made up by them? Or if there is something they actually pulled from? I mean a lie is a lie, but was some bullshit spreading over Twitter (Never calling it 'X'...) or something?


I'm trying to learn more about modern day China, the recent history of China, and the material conditions and contexts that bring certain things into the popular news media.

I watch BreakThrough News occasionally, and this video came up today, and from my inexperience it seems to be a decent, neutral look at a small part of China's public infrastructure compared to the U$A, where I am.

The hosts go back and forth sharing details about cost and goals and some political theory, so I'm interested in the more experience views of people on here. Is there anything that is left out that is important enough to mention? Are there any controversial topics in this video that one might miss if they aren't informed?

Thanks for helping out a comrade learn!


So apparently the mods at bonehurtingjuice decided to protest by becoming a commie sub, but actual commies are now posting and commenting, pushing out all the normal content.

The reaction is hilarious, if you have time and want to engage with reactionaries, come check out and support our comrades on that sub. Assuming you still have reddit.


A lot of info about AI recently, and it's use of wage-slave labor abroad, and some in North America. I doubt this is news to anyone here, but it's an interesting read none the less by one reporter who did some digging.

Here is a quote from someone who trains AI in Africa:

“I really am wasting my life here if I made somebody a billionaire and I’m earning a couple of bucks a week.”

In solidarity my friend from abroad :( I hope one day my country can be rid of those that bring this bullshit to the world.

Truly the Libs in America have to be willfully ignorant of their privilege (Irony is obvious) to ignore this stuff.

Aside: nymag looks to be "normie left" but not communist by any means. Anyone have any reason to hate/like it as a source besides the obvious? I haven't read a lot from it, but this article seemed to be not to bad from a reporting accuracy perspective.

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