It’s called a catheter! Does not everyone use one every night!?!??!? /s
Jokes on them I am still on NT4
Let me know when you have kids also reflect on how you grew up. We would ride our bikes like miles and also explore the creek and surrounding areas as kids in Ohio. I hope to raise my child in a similar way when she is old enough to explore the area where I live now….
Any reason to not just use TMUX and Weechat or irssi? I had sessions up for years when I was active in IRC
I mean the “Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion “ The rich will just travel overseas for a clinic and spend a week somewhere on a beach for the rest of week sipping on cocktails, while the poor will just get poorer, sicker and hungrier
Does this company start with I and end with BM
They will lose that support and some how do the mental gymnastics to blame the Democrats for it sadly
But states rights!!!!!!!!! /s
I know this restaurant. For some reason I wanna say 90s Taco Bell or McDonald’s
Hair cuts of all things made people lose their god damn minds. That was wild
I would agree at this point. I love my Kindle but if I am buying a new one that’s they way I would go
So his real name is Kyle