Insurrection against a liberal government is easier than insurrection against a fascist government. I don't want to have to deal with Trump's Proud Boy Gestapo on top of all the challenges the revolution already faces.
No, killing is still wrong when it's pointless. You need to pay attention and take this discussion seriously. Killing that doesn't benefit murderers is better than killing that benefits murderers, because murder shouldn't be profitable.
Yes. I would rather the animals' deaths be entirely pointless and bring zero revenue to the animal killers.
People will see the high price, decide not to get a turkey, and make roast potatoes or something instead. Hopefully something vegan, like roast potatoes.
I like it better when the dead animal rots on the shelves. Because it means that the company that killed an animal made a financial loss, and next quarter they might decide to reduce their stock, since people aren't buying. If people buy the dead animal, then the animal killers make money and they keep killing animals. If it becomes more profitable to kill half the turkeys and sell at double the price, then I'm glad. That's half as many dead turkeys. That's a good thing. I hope the economy is going that way. And I hope people realise due to this economic trend that they don't actually need to eat meat every day.
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I am not. I am a trans person saying that I shouldn't be told to kill myself. I suggest you try paying attention to the words in front of you instead of running a keyword search for topics to get mad about.