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[–] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

Just want to hop in and also point out the vastly different costs of being wrong in each case.

On one hand, we have a supervisor having to take a diversity course, and an employee getting a written warning about their performance. On the other hand, a person is losing their income and health insurance. If the evidence equally supported both sides and we had to guess, the detrimental effect of incorrectly supporting one side is vastly more significant than incorrectly supporting the other.

And that assumes a hypothetical where the evidence doesn't support either side, something I do not think is the case. I think the article supplies enough information to support Alm's case.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

:( very sad to hear that. Naughty Dog has made 3 of my favorite online games of all time (Uncharted 3, Uncharted 4, TLOU) and so I was really excited for the announcement of a new multiplayer game. I feel like historically Naughty Dog has done a good job of finding the parts of a gameplay loop that feels "sticky" and give it some grease to make it feel better in subsequent games. There were a few parts of TLOU that could have used improvements; Clans representing some really interesting and incredibly infuriating ideas in multiplayer games, for example. I expected it would still be a niche game, but sad to hear it is probably going to die in development hell after years of me getting excited for it.

sigh oh well, not much you can do about it.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

You are welcome to criticize and dislike the writing of the games, but you can do so without insulting people who disagree with you. This is your reminder of the main rule of this instance to “be(e) kind”.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

MLK Jr has pretty famously discussed the issues with respectability politics wrt white moderate. He also shifted his beliefs towards socialism and realizing the necessity of violence to the success of the civil rights movement before being assassinated so… even MLK didn’t think his original strategy was going to succeed.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

To clarify your opinion for myself: the most common reason cited by moderates for opposing the 1960s civil rights campaign was “I agree racism is bad, but why can’t black people be civil and polite when asking for equality?” Do you agree or disagree with that opinion?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

This game has been the bane of my existence. I love the atmosphere, story, and design of Bloodborne. I cannot get myself to enjoy the game. I want to like it so badly because everything other than the mechanics are extremely my-interests, but FUCK do I not like the gameplay.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I wish I had a good answer for your first questions. My best guess is some mixture of American propaganda about poor = lazy, puritanical views that hardworking people are morally good, and a refusal to believe that it will happen to them because they are good, hardworking people.

As for your question about the unhoused, I’ll paraphrase something my spouse, who has been unhoused, told me in the past:

“The false hope is necessary. The people who lose that hope are the ones who OD trying to escape (though those who still have that hope may also use drugs as an escapism) or quietly kill themselves and no one but the few unhoused they know will notice, and most won’t have the energy or mental space to care.”

^^ to add a bit to that of my own; we have studies that show the psychological effects chronic starvation and stress cause: increased irritability, impulsiveness, decreased ability to plan or critically think (from their own previous ability, not saying it immediately drops your IQ to like, 70 [also, let’s agree to brush over the issues of IQ as a measure of intelligence since I am just using it as an example]). And that is a permanent effect. It doesn’t rebound if you suddenly become food-and-shelter stable. Your brain is just permanently fucked up.

Also, I don’t know where else to include this, but I feel like it is important if discussing this topic. My spouse was unhoused for approx 1 year. It has taken 5 years of therapy to get them to view themselves as a person again. After 12 months, they had internalized their treatment as subhuman to the point it has taken 5x that to undo. And that’s not like, positive self-esteem. They still have insanely low self esteem and negative views of themselves and their abilities (along with CPTSD). This is them viewing themselves as a person as much as any person walking down the street. I cannot imagine how it is for people who have been unhoused longer.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I think you are vastly oversimplifying things. For starters, who is going to organize this? If you don’t have food or shelter, your only focus for the day is find food and a relatively safe place to sleep at night.

But, let’s say that they did organize. We know what the outcome would be: the police would show up, beat the shit out of them, jail them, and throw away what few possessions they have left. And most people’s reaction to that would be “I’m glad the police finally cleaned up our streets” because, whether they want to admit it or not, most people hate the poor, and especially hate the unhoused and just want them to disappear. I can say that with confidence because that’s what happens in major cities when the unhoused do anything, every. time. Those who have been suffering for a while have had the spirit beaten out of them, and the recently unhoused quickly learn to follow suit if they want to stay alive and have any hope of improving their lives because if you have any criminal record whatsoever, you immediately become unhirable to 90% of businesses. Creating problems for the system is a way to guarantee you will remain unhoused for the rest of whatever life you have left after.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sometimes I like their new music, sometimes I don't. When I don't, I am bummed that I don't like the music. But if it is a change the band wanted to make, I am happy they get to make that music. I would hate to be told what kinds of art I should or shouldn't make, and at the end of the day the artists I love are the same; they're just people trying to create something that (hopefully) represents something to them. I think because music tends to affect people on a deeply emotional level, it has a particular sting when a band no longer resonates with you and you feel almost like you've lost a connection to someone who understood you. It is understandable to be sad that they are no longer making music you enjoy, and it is OK to hope that they someday make music you want again. But at the same time, it should be celebrated when artists try to expand, learn, and grow, IMO.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Oh cool. I’ve been out sick all week and have been having panic attacks that my teammates hate me for it and I’m creating a burden for them by not forcing myself back to work. Love to hear management in my field validate that as a reason to be fired.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I’ve been playing a shitload of Valorant. It hits the sweet spot for me between FPS and MOBA. I hadn’t played a tactical shooter before but I’m warning up to it. I still prefer Halo-style battle arena games but this is fun.

Speaking of Halo-like games: I am still playing splitgate even though the game is dead. It’s some of the most fun I have ever had while playing a game with friends.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I feel you but from the opposite side. Back when NFTs were in their infancy and hard to research, my friend asked if I wanted to help him make an NFT project. I didn’t know either of the programming languages he needed, and I was planning a wedding, so I ended up saying “no”. In the present, I know NFTs are a scam, I know that the project I would have worked on eventually went “to the moon” and I could have cashed in and not have to deal with work bullshit. I know I made the ethical and correct choice turning him down, but goddamn does it still sting when the rent payment is due


After picking up popular in-game leader Steel from 100 Thieves, T1 was highly ranked going into the NA Challengers Tour. Midway through the second map of TSM vs T1 the game was paused after TSM Subroza tweeted mid-game that T1 had a coach illegally comm-ing in game. After investigation, it appears this was true. Hopefully we get more details about what exactly happened. I wonder how this will effect the careers of the T1 players.

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