The man even surrendered to the police out of guilt.
This is not even the topic of discussion. (Disclaimer: The rest of the discussion here is tangential to the original post.)
While I have no qualms with you using Suckless. As a person who has used suckless tools (dwm, st, tabbed, etc) for 2 years straight in the past. There are simply more performative and easy to work with tools and programs. I spent a few weeks worth of time in total over the 2 years trying to configure dwm alone to match with my workflow, applying and maintaining over 40 patches from the website along with some of my own written patches. When I switched to awesomewm, I easily reproduced my design in a single day and extended it further w/o much effort. Sure, the codebase is much bigger, but it is a fair trade for me if it reduces the time I need for configuration as a user while giving me the same performance.
I had, more or less, the same experience if I talk about st which I later replaced with Alacritty. The socket mode also helps me save RAM space when using Alacritty as I tend to have multiple terminal emulator instances open.
The stock distributions of suckless tools are always unusable unless you patch them to hell at which point they are definitely going to stop being suckless unless you really want to brainstorm and spend more time on it. (Read the Suckless Principles.) You can argue that criticizing Suckless Tools is in essence criticizing yourself because they are intended as canvases to paint on by the user. For me, it's just a waste of time and I would rather go for a program that is less hassle to configure & maintain.
Honorable Mention: Suckless Devs endorse Neo-Nazis in their team.
You don't own games on Steam either.
Holy shit, why didn't I think of this‽‽‽
and diodes
The UN Security Council being dominated by Genocidal or Genocide-Assisting states really makes things look hopeful huh.
There is a proper left. They do not participate in the electoral process.
Frankly, why do people still use that garbage of a platform?