
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

Watanabe is already the father of 10 children and lives with two of them and three of his wives

I wonder how often he's caring for the other 8 kids that aren't living with him.

most children fathered in Japan, becoming a so-called God of Marriage.

God of fertility, dummy. Marriage and children can happen without the other.

He claimed to have sex more than 28 times a week

That's at least 4 times a day. Well, he's got time, being the "man of the house". I know I wouldn't have enough energy for that, what with having to care for at least 2 kids.

Also, since he's coasting on the wives/girlfriends for money anyway, he should try ye olde way and buy a farm, should have enough space for the whole family and hopefully good enough terrain for some subsistence farming.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 13 hours ago

Yeah, having a way to define certain themes, tags or whatever to be completely blocked off would be great. My first use would be for blocking certain music, but also most roblox and minecraft gaming content. I end up watching mostly english gaming content because pt-br seems completely dominated by roblox and minecraft, the algorithm almost never suggests actually similar channels or videos and there's a never ending number of roblox shit.

I suspect most of the roblox shit came because of that People Make Games video, which is super ironic.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) (3 children)

I hate that youtube lacks any means to block entire channels

edit: i'm dumb, you can block channels

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

Down in Brazil, I'm pretty sure having to sign a purchase with a credit card didn't exist anymore by the very early 2000s, you just type a password. Same with debit cards.

Simply approaching the card to pay up goes back to 2021 in here, if I'm not mistaken.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

I find phones the least secure devices simply because of how likely they are to be damaged or stolen

[–] [email protected] 5 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

Probably, but the real problem has been database dumps for a good number of years now. Maybe this thing fixes that?

[–] [email protected] 29 points 15 hours ago (3 children)

So Pete was supposed to be a cat and not just some fat furry devil? Guess today I learned

[–] [email protected] 17 points 16 hours ago

Sigh in relief as I don't hear anyone saying "Hey, you! You're finally awake! You were caught trying to cross the border!"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

I personally prefer using Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay when it comes to medieval-ish fantasy, because it's gritty and dirty, so to speak, also more "realistic" than DnD, mainly because combat is brutal, armor simply reduces damage, all kinds of shit can get someone insane and magic is dangerous.

The last time I narrated WFRP one of the characters died in a spectacular way that I never imagined would happenThe player had a dwarf with a large ram for a mount. During one combat inside a mayor's mansion, a group of bandits attacked the ram and lethally wounded it. The player wanted to save the ram at any cost. Every character has some Fate points, which they can burn to escape certain death. I made a deal with the player, "you spend that fate point and the ram lives, BUT- I will roll this dice to determine who saves it". I made it clear that there was a risk an unwanted force could be the one responsible for keeping it alive.

Dice rolls. I smirk and describe a blue-hued raven landing atop the ram and asking the dwarf if he truly wants to save his ram. The deal is made, the raven enters the wound, which closes, but the ram's eyes give an eerie purple glow and it laughs at him. The next day, he finds out the ram started eating small critters like bunnies and squirrels. The rest of the group starts considering leaving the ram wherever.

Some time later, the ram is attracted to a profane totem and refuses to move. The dwarf tries everything to get the animal back on track and gets headbutted. Once he threatens to destroy the totem, he's attacked for real. Second round of combat, the ram charges. On the damage roll, it was a double critical (criticals only happen in damage rolls in WFRP, a 10 on the dice allows you to roll again) and the total damage was twice his total health.

In a single charge, one of the ram's horns went under his chin, piercing his cranium with such force that the head was ripped out of the body, with blood gushing from the now lifeless body. The impaled head remained as a souvenir on the horn. The rest of the group turned tail and fled, then came back later to loot the gold that was with the dwarf.

As to getting people to play with, some places you can look for players are local game stores (if there are any around where you live) or colleges. You can also try playing online via discord, it's much easier to find people looking for groups there. Getting along with everyone outside the game is definitely one of the more important aspects of keeping a group alive and going

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I don't have aphantasia, but a rather vivid imagination sometimes. Also, a lot of my answers were indirectly influenced by my immediate surroundings:

  • What color was the ball? - Red
  • What gender was the person that pushed the ball? - Male
  • What did they look like? - I only imagined seeing the person up to the waist, approaching the table and giving a push to the ball. I pictured him with social attire.
  • What size is the ball? - Tennis ball, but very smooth. It was smack dab in the middle of the table, too.
  • What about the table, what shape was it? What is it made of? - Round glass.

A question for those of you who have, or suspect you have aphantasia, how are your dreams like? Can you imagine and "hear" sounds?

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 day ago

Some guesses: it looks cool, it makes people curious to ask "what's that supposed to mean?", the dude was a christian otaku

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 day ago (2 children)

That same problem can be seen in law and it's a lot more relevant to the average citizen than academic papers, since "know your rights" means jack shit if you have no fucking clue what the words mean.

It's snobbish gatekeeping to feel superior to the filthy plebs


Other points:

  • it's not mutually exclusive with any other neurodivergence, in which case they're "twice exceptional";
  • In an environment with unprepared people and professionals, they may be wrongly diagnosed as having some other neurodivergence.
  • It's not just a high IQ score;
  • Gifted kids can be problem students and have low grades;
  • Homework feels like torture (this is true to any child, tho);
  • They're very likely to question authorities and point out perceived hypocrisy (emphasis here on perceived, because pointing something and being right are different things);
  • As kids, they may have weird quirks for executing tasks, such as wanting to hold pencils the "wrong" way, or wanting to press against a wall to do homework;

If you're Brazilian or can understand Brazilian Portuguese, this is the podcast I listened to - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apnuIIePeeA

Aos brasileiros que acabarem encontrando esse post, o podcast que assisti é o que linkei acima


I've been interested in checking out some "DIY" boardgames, ones that you could just print the pieces/sheets/cards/tokens/etc and play.

I'm mostly interested in boardgames that can be played with 4+ people and require little setup or rules introduction, as I'm pretty much being the "gateway drug" for the group (everyone I've shown Blokus so far has loved the game).

I'm ok with knowing about heavy games (stuff that takes an afternoon to finish) to keep an eye on for future reference


I've been reading a book on the Paraguay War, Maldita Guerra, and it mentioned how Solano Lopez (then Paraguay's dictator) planned to invade Mato Grosso and possibly take Cuiabá. Trips upstream from Assuncion to Cuiabá at that time would usually take 12+ days on steam ships.

What really surprised me is that this kind of information was supposed to be taught back when I was in school.


Some weeks ago, I've come across Delta Chat, whose main thing is "(near) instant messaging using your email"

That left me thinking, has this been attempted before? If not, why? Also, why (besides servers' limitations as means to fight spam) isn't this solution used more often, given that e-mail has been a decentralized solution for well over 40 years now?


I'm thinking about making a character entirely out of Polygon2D nodes without textures. One thing I haven't figured out how to do is make each polygon cast a "permanent" shadow on top of the ones that are Z levels below it.

Below is an image of what I want to do, but using shaders/lights. I've only managed to do this by making extra polygons to fill in as the shadows.

How exactly do I have to set up a light source to achieve this effect? Using a DirectionalLight2D or a PointLight2D just brightens the polygons and I can't figure how to use a LightOccluder2D, or even if this is the correct way to get this result

(The polygons are green due to the DirectionalLight being green) - The occlusion simply applies the shadow on anything that is Z levels below it.


Time sure does fly, huh


Tennis uses multiples of 15, but only up to 45, calls other points weird names, then closes a set, which has to be repeated at least 6 times for a separate scoring, with said scoring also needing to be repeated AT LEAST 3 more times, but can be dragged out ad infinitum.

Even table tennis has the decency of using a straight scoring system where 11 points wins a set and 2 sets wins the match.


It's totally original, you guys!


I'd like to create an effect similar to 2 death animations that exist in Crash Bandicoot 3.

In one of them, Crash is disintegrated: all the triangle faces get separated and fly apart. A similar triangle separation is seen when he dies from fire, the triangles fall separately.

The second is a simple separation of the legs and torso. One enemy that exists in the 1st stage can cut Crash in half, which will cause the torso to stay in place while the legs walk away.



Text: My browser when I open the 42nd tab and beyond

A 2 panel image of Michael Jordan: Stop it. Get some help.


Asking mostly because I have fuckloads of video courses, plus a number of movies, that I have yet to even check if the content is as good as their titles imply and I really feel like I'm mostly hoarding this stuff because I have no fucking clue.

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