Manage your finances. Know where every penny goes. Budget as best as you can - plan for all of the things you know you spend money on through a year. It doesn't mean you can't spend money on things you like, but it does mean that you know when you can afford it. It gives you confidence and control no matter how much you are making.
Hey look, a foreigner actively engaging in voter fraud!
Sage advice
The department is working tirelessly to apprehend the criminals.
I honestly thought that was an Onion article. JFC, this shouldn't be as close as it is.
My wife works in a higher-end memory care center as a caregiver, and I can confirm they don't pay nearly enough.
Exactly. 20 years of samey power in a porkier, blander, body. What's not to love? I just can't imagine a 22b would appreciate the glance into the future.
Just my snarky, subjective take.
Throw the WRX up there too
Kamala is Exxon?
Damn good beer at that
They have them in the wild at Pinnacles National Park. Had maybe five or six flying about 60 feet over my head at one point during a hike. Amazing birds. Would recommend.
And yeah, probably the rarest animal I have seen as well. Though we had a Lawrence's Goldfinch in our yard regularly in an area where they are extremely unlikely to be seen. Different kind of rare I guess.
He is full of shit, for sure. But let's say we take his claim at face value, that level of stupidity has no business in political power. So, lose-lose.
That is on par with most of political scandals and the defenses given, they are either clearly in on the fuckery, or so monumentally stupid that they were unaware of it happening around them or that it was illegal/immoral. There is no answer that gets them off the hook and provides confidence in their abilities.