Facebook is for old people and idiots in general. Sadly some people have no other means to stay in touch so they have to use FB. It would be fair for them to believe that are actually in hell
joined 1 month ago
What I know is that if I eat steak, I'd better drink a whole lot of pure water before the morning comes or I'll feel exhausted and hung over the next day. Drinking alcohol does not help, believe me I've tried
I am an ant, I knew it
That's what I was thinking. Well there's always been plenty of water in Scotland afaik but if that's going to change they're probably going to start charging for it
Any idea why there's that 30% difference? Just a guess but could it be that in Glasgow water's free?
Oh gosh a group of highly intellectual people with a swastika flag, their entire country must be just like them
The actual impact of mankind on climate change, taking all other factors into consideration
Seems to with work with Mbin as well