Nah, a democratic nation has to follow its own laws. It looks much better if they revoke it with proof after due process.
did they expect any different? Why would anyone on Greenland be aligned with someone who threatened to invade you?
A few friends of mine used to have a sms-based group chat we used for many years. One of those friends kept losing phones and getting new numbers. At some point one of his older numbers texted something to the tune of "what the fuck is this, why are you texting me?!". It turns out the old number had been reassigned.
then again, no state secrets were exchanged.
What's the point of a summary that's longer than the article itself?
that is not the image you showed.
they're a type of eagle candy.
looks fine to me, the problem is on your end, or it's intermittent somehow.
oh wow, he was a former soap star, i read the title as being about someone who stopped washing himself.
Me neither. I would have thought this was exactly the kind of situation impeachment was meant to stop. I am thoroughly confused.
two words: presidential pardon.
No one will spend the time, money and effort to prosecute these people when they can just wave the whole thing away with a signature.
Same, but "kalkon" in swedish.
I felt slightly smug before I learned that haha
On a positive note, that kind of claim has been struck down in Canada before.