
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I tried playing Bahamut Lagoon, a Japan only SNES TRPG, but had to stop due to some technical issues with the unofficial translation. The little bit I did manage to play (prologue and the first scene after that) was interesting enough so I'll definitely try again, I just need to get back to my PC so I can research what's wrong with it.

To keep with the theme I started Jeanne d'Arc, the PSP TRPG, instead. I like the art style, animated cutscenes and gameplay. Not a huge fan of the fantastical elements but they're not a dealbreaker either. I'm not sure what to think about the story just yet - I like it for the most part but there are some things that make me a bit wary since they might potentially turn into tropes I'm not going to be happy with. It's a "wait and see" for now since I'm still pretty early on. It's good so far.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

It really is even though she did try to avoid the topic initially - good on Shun for actually trying to figure out the issue. They both did well, I'm satisfied (っ˘ω˘ς )

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Good catch. I posted from mobile and didn't even realize the swap, thanks!


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From Sep. 3rd, 4-star Submachine Gun Owen will be added to the production pool.

Construction time: 02:05:00

She loves traveling and especially hiking. When she's on vacation, she'll climb stairs if there are no hills or mountains to climb. For some reason, she doesn't fully trust her neural cloud backups, so she often takes pictures and makes notes to create "hand-made memories".

She claims to be a professional photographer, but the pictures she takes have a very peculiar aesthetic, which the other Dolls often find aggravating.

Skill: Impression Negatives

Passive: When 3 or more SMGs are assigned to the echelon, increase damage of allies on the same row by 20%.

Active: Replace own stats with 100% of the team leader's stats, or if she is the team leader or the team leader is not present, 120% of her own stats, lasting 5 seconds. This skill is not affected by skill cooldowns.

Replace stats include: damage, rate of fire, accuracy, evasion, armor, move speed, armor-piercing, critical rate, critical damage and shield.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Huh, I was already planning to take a break until 4.0.x and it seems like I won't lose much. Thanks for the update.


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  • George Rankin, Senior Level Designer
  • Zac Preece, Senior System Designer I
  • Glenn Kneale, Level Designer I
  • Eddie Hilditch, Assistant Environment Art Director
  • Loek Gijsbertse, Lead Environment Artist


  • Reminder that Pyro is a free-for-all zone (yay for shootouts while shopping).
  • NPC will have improved "classes and archetypes".
  • Some locations will be marked as special zones where NPCs will stay during combat.
  • They hope server meshing will improve server FPS.
  • Incoming NPC classes:
    • "Techie": light armor, SMGs, more aggressive.
    • "CQC": shotgunners, even more aggressive.
    • "Juggernaut": heavy armor, LMGs.
  • NPC traits are coming.
  • One of the factions will have pet Kopions fighting alongside them.
  • Factions will differ in gear, combat skills and available quests.
  • New joinable factions:
    • Headhunters (more "rush" based combat, tier based armor: higher lvl = more tanky)
    • Citizens for Prosperity (accurate during combat, more "civilian" gear)
  • Both of the above fight against Xenothreat.
  • Xenothreat fights more cautiously and defensively.
  • More insight into some of the new settlements in Pyro.
  • 4.0 will add watchtowers for snipers (player and NPCs) to settlements.
  • Pico daleks confirmed?

Another combat focused episode, it's Pyro after all. Also reminder that 3.24 is out, albeit a bit broken for some.

Edit: Fixed the faction name.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

No problem, just hope it sounded useful rather than pedantic :P

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

PTV is the first car we ever had, it's just slightly updated now. STV is the "jeep" one. Driving off into the void will still require flying your buggy to a space station as there's no personal hangars outside planets at the moment (I guess you could jump down Crusader technically).

As for wiping the hangar, the issue right now is that apparently hangars can remove your decorations but won't put them back into your inventory (so you probably won't be able to use them again until next major patch). Again, that's just from a brief reading earlier, didn't try it myself.


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"Lost in the City", the new point event, will be available from Sep. 3rd to Sep. 23rd.

The main reward, unlocked by reaching 1,800 points will be Zas M76's "Titine Finding Her Way" skin.

Skin preview:


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From Sep. 3rd, 5-star Assault Rifle Beowulf will be added to the production pool.

Construction time: 04:25:00

Before coming to Griffin, she was a hunter roaming the wilderness, eagerly pursuing the most challenging prey... or so she claims. Her expression is always as cold as ice and she doesn't talk much, which gives others the impression that she's unapproachable. The truth is, she IS hard to get along with. Only by patiently unpicking the many thorns surrounding her heart will you see the fire burning within.

Skill: Epic of the Hunter

Passive: At the start of the battle, mark enemy units in this order while prioritizing unmarked units:

  • enemy with the highest threat level is marked as the Dragon
  • enemy with the highest damage is marked as the Kraken
  • enemy with the highest HP is marked as the Giant Beowulf deals 10% more damage to marked enemies. Effects of multiple markers are stackable.

Active: Normal attacks are enhanced to deal 80% damage that scales with Dummy-Links and come with additional guaranteed damage that equals 1% of the target's max HP (capped at 1000). Target enemies in this order for 5 seconds: Giant, Kraken, Dragon.

  • upon defeating the Giant: gain 20 points in rate of fire stat and 50 points in accuracy until the end of the battle.
  • upon defeating the Kraken: gain 60 points in damage stat until the end of the battle.
  • upon defeating the Dragon: when attacking unmarked enemies, mark them as Prey.

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New M14 skin, Swirling with the Clouds, will be available in the "Dancing Heartstrings" gacha starting Sep. 3rd.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Can't say I share your experience with either game but I can understand it doesn't work for everyone. Personally, I can't really imaging playing this, Kao the Kangaroo or old Tomb Raider titles without tank controls for example.

To be clear, your comment is exactly what I meant - you tried and don't like it, that's absolutely fine. There's plenty of games I couldn't get into due to controls or mechanics so I feel you. On the other hand, I met people who refuse to even try to engage with certain mechanics and that's what I'm not a fan of. I'm all for remakes/remasters/rereleases updating things to let more people enjoy the old thing and hope this will be the case with Croc. And hey, even if they change something in a way I don't like, there's always* the classic version.

* Though not always an official way to get it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Haven't played but looking at first impressions suggests stuff is still broken.

Some highlights:

  • inventory kiosks in habs are unusable (there's a workaround apparently?)
  • spawning your ship in Orison doesn't work
  • invisible hangar doors are still a thing
  • personal hangars can disappear the stuff you placed around them

On the other hand I've seen some people with no problems so it's a classic SC experience, I guess.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Ah, I thought people had some specific issues besides the game having tank controls. Fair enough.

I'm not going to begrudge someone for not liking a control scheme (unless their only reason is not wanting to learn how to play differently) but I do think some people dislike it without even giving it a fair shake. The thing is, these games were designed with this control scheme in mind and switching to a modern one can be detrimental to the experience (compare playing REmake with and without tank controls, the latter makes navigation and avoiding enemies much easier).

Oh well, everyone has their own dislikes.

Edit: I read a bit more and apparently the game always had an option to play with some kind of "modern" controls when using a controller with sticks? I'm guessing they'll probably polish those.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I totally agree. I just don't have much expectations towards big publishers anymore, I guess. Not many approach the topic of remakes/remasters from the point of view of celebrating their history unfortunately. Heck, we had multiple instances of publishers removing the old versions from sale just to push people to the new one.

Low effort or not, companies (and many players to be honest) rarely care about their legacy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

As much as I like this idea I don't think many publishers would look at it and said anything other than "yeah, not worth the money". We probably have a higher chance for the classic versions landing on GoG than being added as a freebie to a remake - they want you to play the new shiny thing, not the old one after all (that and no need to provide support to the old version).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I've seen a lot of comments about the controls and I don't really get it. I've played through both games about two years ago, I think, and didn't have any problems with either of them. Maybe I'm just used to the jank due to playing a lot of older games but I remember both titles playing fine.

I'm curious how they'll modernize the controls. The little gameplay present in this teaser looks pretty close to the original and I don't think they talked about this in detail. Whatever they'll do I just hope it'll allow people to play and enjoy this little gem. It deserves it.


HD remaster of the first Croc title will be released for “all the current consoles and PC". There's no specific release date beyond "2024" at the moment.

Here's an article with additional info and screen shots. Main points:

  • HD graphics keeping the original art style
  • updated controls
  • digital museum containing development assets, design documents, concept art and more

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From Sep. 3rd, 4-star Assault Rifle CM901 will be added to the production pool.

Construction time: 03:46:00

Surrounded by the brilliant achievements of her seniors, CM901 sets extremely high standards for herself and has a strong sense of responsibility and purpose. By relying on her outstanding adaptive ability, she is always at the forefront of any mission she carries out, quickly adapting to the battlefield conditions and adopting appropriate countermeasures, which has won her the trust of her teammates.

In order to work off her tension after extended periods under pressure, she often runs off after missions into the wilderness to scream and dance in a frenzy. Naturally, she would never allow that side of herself to be seen by others.

Skill: Battlefield Master Thief

Steal 3 kinds of buffs from 1 buffed, non-Boss enemy units for 5 seconds, prioritizing shields, damage and rate of fire buffs.

If no buffs can be stolen, increase self damage by 60% for 8 seconds.

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