These kind of campaigns/posts whatever are cute and admirable like "buy physical media" or wanting buttons in your car. But they show a fundamental lack of understanding how weighted everything is towards data now.
Nothing can be permitted to stop the surveillience and dark patterns as we go deeper into monopoly capitialism. It's the last frontier.
Robots hard and expensive too. Much easier to make bad art.
Why aren't the nerds building cool robots that could solve real problems?
Been there, done that. Gopher, Gemini, Web 0.1 everybody gets bored of each other and the whole things dies.
That raw autistic energy to document power plants or subways just wasn’t there and you were just reading about the mundane lives and half baked manifestos of these glorified bloggers.
So sick of this rvturn shit. Whether it’s ironic and unironic. Stop moaning like life has system restore points and challenge yourself with a sound materialist analysis of what you think not feel has gone wrong.
Isn’t the English human wojack reading the script for two South American libertarians?
Winning political and economic power is the only real safety we can hope for. Anything else is a honeypot.
I just don’t care anymore. Fuck technology.
Like a compassionate society would find some safer alternative to maiming people’s organs or lifelong prescriptions to relatively recent drugs originally intended for diabetics only.
I still think there is something to salvage from fat liberation. Obesity has evolved into this apocalyptic super object for which there is no sound solution or escape for half the population not long from now. There are people who are living hand to mouth out of food banks and still gain weight because of obesogenic nature of the available food and the chemical environment. Only true dignity is the first step to surviving it.
Where else then Sir Lanka and maybe Ireland have Trotskyists had anything close to minor success?