Yes, twice. Both for inane shite. Once for quoting a line from a movie in a post about that movie (Glengarry Glenross) which contained a slur, and on my new account for making a joke about a guy who happened to be Indian and was in no way racist. My pleas fell on deaf ears. I can't say this strongly enough - fuck Reddit, it's a shit hole, full of bots and power-hungry mods. Stay away. Here is better.
joined 5 months ago
'The early bird gets the worm' should always be countered with 'but the second mouse gets the cheese'.
The Maltese Falcon is great, and if you like black and white, I can't recommend Brief Encounter enough. Excellent English love story.
We need a list. Individual sales or small batches are more time consuming but you'll make more.
Attenborough, I'd wager. That's about the only one I'd be confident of. Probably Brian Blessed as well.
Dildo. I ignored the golf bit.
Tiger Woods. It's no place for a picnic.
White vinegar rather than malt or cider.
Gmail and protonmail. Both give me no issues at all.
All that drawing and they missed the 'a' in 'on a plate' in Richard's last panel, which is the title of the comic.