I've been informed by a relative that had partaken in eating one, that the meat of a porcupine is mostly flavorless on its own.
I've been playing through Black Skylanda lately.
I originally put it down because the top-down perspective was a bit jarring, but have been having fun taking down sky pirates both on land and in the air since I've picked it back up.
So far the upgrade paths and the currency gain for those upgrades have been mostly on par with each other, so I haven't felt the need to grind mats for anything. I can rescue a stranded pilot or two, liberate an island, and carve out a new parking location for my big ship all in one sitting, which makes it feel as though just about anything I do is progressing something.
Looking forward to more!
Dual-casting 2nd tier lightning could stun-lock Alduin!
Once set has plenty of replayability. I did pick up a couple of character packs to try out the roster.
Compared to Warhammer, at least, I feel I'm getting much more of my money's worth, and everyone's a bit less salty if we happen to get out collective teeth kicked in.
If you're in the States, you can order from the devs to hopefully save some cash, but I have a FLGS to hit up, myself.
I'm mainly looking at adding the Frontier Town, which adds a ton of stuff to the non-dungeon-crawling past of the game, and the werewolves expansion because, well, werewolves. But other than that the base game has everything for more than a couple of games of fun!
There is a little bit of prep for the minis, but they provide tokens to use in the meantime if you'd like to play beforehand. What we did is just have everyone be responsible for their character, but it isn't strictly necessary.
I've also 3d printed card & token holders to speed up setup.
I haven't played Gloomhaven, unfortunately, but I'll have to give it a try at some point.
That being said, I'm loving the theming of SoB a bunch! I can't wait to learn enough to start making homebrew stuff.
Got in a Shadows of Brimstone session. It's an alternate wild west/horror dungeon crawler with a bunch of campaign potential.
Having a lot of fun with it and hope I can get some of the expansions worked in soon.
I haven't been able to play much lately due to work, but I did manage to squeeze in some time to 100% Digseum.
I've loved the little genre of 'dig up buried artifacts ' since it was a mini game back in Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, so it was nice to see again.
Goodbye, reasonably safe food and medicine supplies, you will be missed...
For some examples of games that used Vertex Shading, Super Mario Sunshine used them to fake the shadows and Homeworld used it for their fantastic skyboxes!
This is why they want to label antifa a "Terrorist Organization" despite the fact that anyone not rooting for the Fascist boot on their face would qualify as a 'member'.
Besides, sequestered migrants will make better slaves stateside when all of our yearly produce starts to rot on the vine...
I think it did have an early access period at some point. I also seemed to have the backer DLC, which gives a little boost to resources and a weapon for the early game.