There is no patriarchy omds 🤦🤦🤦 no1 is being underpayed just cause of their race or gender, there's no worldwide agenda against women.
No, I ain't a far-right conservative trump supporting fascist who hates women and all minorities, I base all my opinions and beliefs on my own experiences and the things I see.
I don't see everything through the polarising lens of either one two absolutely shit parties. In other countries, believe it or not, people have their own beliefs that aren't based on whether they're right or left wing.
That's exactly my point, most usual labour voters didn't agree with Corbyn, cause they don't blindly follow whoever's leader of any one party.
In fact we usually vote for whichever party's either the least dogshit at the time or strategically vote against the most, for example when Blair illegally went to war in Iraq to suck American dick we all collectively voted against Labour, and after the absolute Tory shitshow we all voted against them.
Strategically because of our absolutely shit, barely democratic FPTP voting system, which usually forces people to vote strategically, against the most powerful party they like the least, but luckily we still have more than 2 voting options.