Well, let me tell you a little story I witnessed, indirectly. A Christian woman named Hatun Tash uses her own Qur'an for debates at Speaker's Corner, had it stolen by a Muslim, and the cops arrested her, instead of the perpetrator. It took a Christian activist group to get the police to admit their injustice, and she was compensated for it. Being a good Christian, instead of keeping the money for herself, she gave it to the Christian activist group that cleared her name. The UK is Marxist in culture. The English can't be proud, for it offending the Scots and the Welsh. Talking about Anglo-Saxon history and culture is white supremacy. Higher learning institutions give no credit to Anglo-Saxon contributions to the word, with debates often about oppression from the British. I heard of Sharia Law being legally imposed or accepted by British authorities; the two tier policing system.
Offshore wind is especially bad because the turbines need a foundation that anchors the giant turbines to the ocean floor. Then there is the transmission line cost problem. Since Biden likes to sanction the planet, the parts to make turbines are more expensive. Nobody took the leases for offshore wind on the Greater Houston coast.
What will democrats tell their children in the future, their lives were saved by the state of Texas.
They want more money by proving they can progress on something.
Mississippi too poor to do anything.
Landlords won't offer rent if the rent is below what they think is profitable. You didn't read the article, obviously. Rent controls, control price increasation, not the supply of properties that offers rents to tenants. Price controls don't work. Venezuela did plenty of that, and that doesn't stop the large waves of migrants from fleeing the failed state.
Our socialist friends don't understand shopping reduces prices and increases quality through competition. There is no socialist solution to fix bureaucracy.
An overview of Sharia law - Roythornes Solicitors - https://www.roythorne.co.uk/site/blog/family-law-blog/an-overview-of-sharia-law Is Keir Starmer a socialist? - https://theconversation.com/is-keir-starmer-a-socialist-232567 UK Tax Rates & Rankings | Taxes in the United Kingdom - https://taxfoundation.org/location/united-kingdom/
The funny thing is, that Sharia "Law" isn't really law, according to British legal experts. UK is a capitalist economy. The culture is quite Marxist. Marxism isn't an economic system. Socialism and communism are theoretical economic systems that never passed the stink test.