The report offers two main solutions to the retirement crisis: expanding and strengthening Social Security—"the most successful government program in our nation's history"
Social Security has each generation depend on the next generation paying for its retirement. That's kind of what happened historically, when kids took care of aging parents. Problem is that everyone else's kids pay for your retirement, which means that your incentive to do the work of raising kids goes away; Social Security puts the load on people who have kids to turn them into the next generation of productive workers. It's great if you never raise kids, but it's a pretty raw deal if you do raise kids.
It also deals poorly with scenarios where the population pyramid inverts -- like, birth rates fall off and such. Then suddenly instead of lots of kids supporting a few older people's retirement, you have a lot of retirees expecting a few younger people to pay for their retirement.
I'd kinda favor 401(k)s or something more like that; that has each generation fund its own retirement, rather than relying on the next. That way, the payments in are proportional to the size of the population cohort, rather than proportional to the size of some other population cohort (like, the next generation).