google stepping up their quest to disorganize the world’s information
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
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with the awful (systems) assistance of self, fasterandworse and jp of this parish
no idea when i'll do another one, this one was 3 hrs faff for 5 min video lol
things I need: a better mic, a chair that doesn't swivel
EDIT: done two more since, let's see how we goooo
I did in fact have fun! If the quick-hit format turns out to be worth your time, I have to say I quite enjoy it, and I hardly count myself as a TikTok-obsessed zoomer.
I've been a little bit sad that Ed Z dropped the rapid-fire 15-minute format once he hit the podcast big time. I really appreciated that format's conciseness; not sure if you'd want to pick that sort of thing up. I have to wonder if it's easier or harder to book people for such a delimited time slot.
oh yeah loved that format, perfect
however, Better Offline makes money
fuck yeah! it’s a very solid start, and I appreciate the (is that clickbaity enough) in the thumbnail
how much is templated now? reckon it'll be 3hrs every time?
if i stop saying "um" all the time that's half an hour less in post right there
I was going to write that it was good that you didn't say "um" all the time. (Being silent in pauses is in my experience a learned skill for most people and one that comes once one has heard oneself say "um" too many times.)
The sound was fine. I think your (Jabra?) headset did its job unless that was also the result of editing.
The imagery got a bit distracting because you look to the side of the camera. No problem for podcasts, but for video it's better to look straight at the camera to look at the audience so to speak. (Also a learnt skill.) So maybe a webcam you can place in front of the screen you are presumably reading of?
No idea about marketing a YouTube, but you got in the "like and subscribe", so that is probably good.
I thought I was looking into the camera, but phones are annoying
lol I have no idea if anyone would recognize me by that reference
(I don’t mind, just surprised at someone Of The Internet actually using that name :D)
what's that sound? is it the sound of a previous post coming past? naaaah, I'm sure it can't be that. discord's a Bro™️, and discord super totes Won't Fuck The Users®️, I'm sure I'll shortly be told by some vapid fencesitter that this will all be Perfectly Okay!