Look here Europe. I don't know how well y'all understand the states, but it's unfathomably large. People in the big cities can definitely organize and revolt. But, against who?
The power is concentrated in Washington DC. It's in an extremely inconvenient location to get to, and I'm starting to understand why.
The last person who was able to amass a large enough following to organize people and march all the damn way to Washington DC was assassinated by the FBI - more specifically J. Edgar Hoover, one of the OG Incel MAGATs. The last president that was able to advocate for the same rights was assassinated by the same group.
Malcom X could see that the only way the US government would change was through speaking the language it knew, but he, too, was taken out by the FBI.
The billionaires in power speak the same language. They wear children as meat shields. They spark violent rhetoric. They won't hesitate to take out a figurehead before he becomes too powerful like King, JFK, and Malcom X.