Litterally every single job I've ever had in my life, from my first job working in a bed and breakfast to my current job working in tech, I got because I knew someone who put my name in the mix. Every single job I ever applied to with just a resume and my credentials rejected me.
What is Doomer? :(
It is a nebulous thing that may include but is not limited to Climate Change posts or Collapse posts.
Include sources when applicable for doomer posts, consider checking out [email protected] once in awhile.
Same. I've only ever had "luck" with extremely exploitive temp jobs when applying on my own with no "in."
Exact same thing here. Couldn't get hired as a fucking grocery store shelf-stocker back in high school without my dad knowing the manager.
Similar to me. I've only gotten hired by Black managers who saw the potential in me. They were right but weird only Black people hire me.( it's not weird I know why)
I used to always hear people say "it's not what you know it's who you know" and i can't say that's ever been proven wrong. Sorry comrade
I hear ya and feel the same way. Really cool I'm cursed with a brain that needs to map out conversations because I wasn't given the part that "naturally" learns to socialize. Works great at Friday Night Magic, not so much when trying to pretend I care about football.
If "god" is real I want to meet him so I can punch him in the face.
If someone is really chatty and talks to you the whole time during a match at FNM does it bother you? It's me I'm the chatty guy but someone's I'm not sure if I'm bothering the quieter people
Imagine living in a society where it's considered a privilege to sell your labor to someone else
In the private sector? Yes.
I was in a similar position after moving states and found a government work placement program that helped me. You may wanna try that while they still have funding. I have also found networking groups on meet-up that look decent and everyone is openly looking to boost careers. Best of luck out there friend
Have you been getting interviews at least?
Sometimes, yes.
If you have bad 关系, you’re not going to get far in life beyond toiling in a factory if you’re lucky enough for that.