Fuck me thats a long list. Here's a summary in the order I found them. Probably missed a few, I'm on mobile and it's Sunday...
- Meat.
- Eggs.
- Dairy products.
- Various fruit+veg.
- Beans.
- Nuts.
- Coffee.
- Tea.
- Various seasonings (vanilla, nutmeg, pepper, etc)
- Grain.
- Cooking oils.
- Sugar.
- Chocolate.
- Pasta.
- Alcohol. (wine+spirits)
- Tobacco.
- Sand.
- Perfume/Beauty products.
- Cleaning products.
- Appliances.
- Building materials.
- Misc housewares.
- Clothing.
- Linens (sheets, towels, drapery, curtains, etc)
- Diamonds.
- Silver.
- Platinum. (I didn't see gold oddly, just gold plated silver)
- Jewelry.
- Hand/power tools.
- Industrial equipment/machinery.
- Firearms.
- Explosives.
- Light fittings/bulbs.
- ~~Video game consoles.~~
- Casino game consoles
- Playing Cards.
- Paintings.