In the executive order issued Wednesday evening, titled “Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 schooling,” Trump directs the attorney general to work with local and state officials to investigate teachers who “unlawfully facilitat[e] the social transition of a minor student.” The order defines “social transitioning” to include using a trans student’s name and pronouns, recognizing a student as nonbinary, or allowing them to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.
Ordinary people are going to have to start accepting the risk and actually fighting back. They're a week and a half in, and already ordering Americans not to even recognise the existence of trans and nonbinary children, on threat of prosecution. It's not just about denying them healthcare now (which in itself is terrible), it's about preventing trans kids knowing anyone even sees them for who they are, or that they are seen and loved. The only outcome will be depression, loneliness and suicide, and Republicans want your kids dead if they don't fit some very narrow mold they've pulled out of their own violent insecurities.
People need to fight now. Each day people lie low and wait to see where this is going, the chances of ever fighting back get slimmer.