My disappointment that this is just an image and not a link to an actual parody song is immeasurable.
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs
It would be to the tune of 'I am the very model of a modern major general'
Yakko's World/Dictionary are to the tune of the Mexican hat dance, no?
At least there's one with spells:
Thanks for sharing! That was great.
God, can you imagine what a nightmare it would be to play D&D with the Warners? Though as long as you just went with the flow, it'd probably be fine; they only really harass people who are too stuck up.
Just put Dot as GM, she can keep the brothers in line.
fails the roll anyways
There's a YouTuber called The Rules Lawyer, and I thought at first this post was about him. It sounds like something he would do: "Every +1 Matters!"
I love Ronald's content, but absolutely nothing about how he presents on screen makes me think I want to see him sing for 2 hours.
Eh, not in 5e. The dice are the only thing that matters there
i came here to say the same thing
All five rules? Wild, we gotta strip those out for 6e