imagine getting owned by your kid's fundamental questions about the physical world and society, like damn should have read some books dummy
skill issue
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imagine getting owned by your kid's fundamental questions about the physical world and society, like damn should have read some books dummy
skill issue
Wearily explaining, again, to a three year old that while the regimentation of time is an artifact of the development of the capitalist mode of production and the requirements of wage labor it's still naptime and they still have to lay down
Same people that complain that school doesn't teach anything useful.
I love going a layer deeper over and over until I'm like "because a star exploded and deposited heavy elements into a massive disk, which slowly formed into planets.
Gravity and time select for stable patterns in the configuration of matter.
because unstable patterns break apart when met with random and wild phenomena. In a universe full of so much chaos, stable patterns are the only patterns that don't break apart.
because their cohesion is stronger than the forces trying to break them apart
these patterns build upon themselves and create a collection of energy that works together that is more than chaos can muster
because chaotic energy isn't going to be cohesive and collect enough force to beat a stable pattern
because if chaotic energy were so cohesive and structures, it would be a stable pattern and thus, not chaotic. Chaos, is by definition, an unstable pattern
because it is an axiomatic definition of chaos
because if we are to talk about this subject, we need definitions to work with
because the amount of information being passed from me to you would be negligible unless we can use a common language
because without common words, you wouldn't be able to understand anything I'm trying to say
because information needs to be encoded before it can transfer from my brain to yours
because only I am able to see into my internal consciousness
because consciousness, as it is conventionally understood, is a solo venture
because a star exploded and deposited heavy elements into a massive disk, which slowly formed into planets.
this reads like something douglas adams would write. love it
sometimes I like to use "nobody knows, but some people have ideas"
This is really lovely thank you.
That last, eternal "why?" that's where God goes. Now shut up, luv, i'm trying to watch the telly
This but unironically. I have exhausted so many kindergarteners. They end up saying they don't want to know anyway and then I can hit them with "Why?" And if they don't like it then they shouldn't have asked someone with AuDHD a question relating to one of their special interests. Stupid toddlers.
except when it's about physics or space stuff I don't find that interesting so I don't know it