Trip is a great word for that series
Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
Welcome to Lemmygrad's corner dedicated to anime memes and discussion! (manga/manhua/manhwa/donghua/aeni count too)
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Try to keep it left; memes don't need to be socialist in nature, but it'd be nice if we could keep the discussions that way.
Posts do not necessarily need to be about anime memes, they can also be about other things related to anime, or having an 'anime' art style.
Try to provide sources for the images you post.
There's nothing else for now. We hope you have a great time!
Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
The most impressive thing to me is that even if you didn't pick up most of thee subtext, after the ending you kind of get what happened, so in a way it's the opposite of something like Evangelion.
so you seem to understand it...welcome to the cult of loving lain
let's all love lain
Let's all love Lain!
Now watch Haibane Renmei.
And Texhnolyze too to complete the trilogy.
Did you understand everything now?
Well saying I understood everything is a bit of a stretch haha. I'm not sure if
plot spoiler
there were actual aliens involved in the plot or not.
I feel like you could have a compelling arguement either way.
I've got this... been meaning to watch it but the audio/subtitles are not synced properly and I haven't taken the time to figure out if I can fix it.
It took me three episodes to figure out there some was something like a 10 second or more offset between the scene I was watching and subtitles I was reading.
Is aniwave or other websites not an option for you?
Never heard of it but I also don't spend a ton of time specifically looking for sources of streaming anime.
Is it just a pirate/pirate adjacent streaming site or something else?
It's from the piracy megathread on lemmy, it's specifically focused on anime.
Appreciate it.