edit: my day got way, way better and i had to make some edits
I realized i'm not nb that was just a cope and i'm Transfem. Thought it was going to go well. ~~It's not going well it looks like I'm going to lose my partner of 25 years. I know it takes time but they just seem, really not okay with it all. even though i still look exactly the same they have stopped touching me.~~ A good new friend explained that my partner is just mourning the loss of her husband. I'll give them all the time they need ~~but it ain't looking good~~.
It's actually going really well and by this afternoon things are going amazingly well and i'm so positive for the future.
i am ~~however~~ very pretty and I love myself limitlessly so that is nice. And I'm wearing a pink skirt that i bought because I liked it not for anyone else's approval. ~~Even if i got nobody else i got me and~~i'm pretty cool so things will be okay.
Went to the HRT appointment yesterday and am getting bloodwork thursday to move that along :)
Feminine clothes all seem like much pricier with less material for very similar garments! My friend explained the pink tax to me. Awful! I have an entire wardrobe to build here!