The onion has run out of ideas and is just paraphrasing people now.
The Onion
The Onion
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
- The Onion
- Clickhole
- McSweeney's
- Reductress
- The Chaser
- The Hard Times
- The Needling
- Tattletale Times
- The Beaverton
Political satire died years ago. Nowadays conservative "political opinions" (and I'm using that term in the loosest possible way) are indistinguishable from satire
This is just an Onion type satire site. He didn't mention any house-maid. Citing missing out on Sky TV as "hardship" though is still bizarre.
I know it's satire; what I'm saying is that it's impossible to satirize conservatives nowadays because what comes out of their mouths is regularly as ridiculous as anything statirical people can come up with
Point taken. I did look it up because I expected half of it to be true.
In Australia we have two satire sites called Betoota Advocate and The Chaser which sometimes are about 80% factual (about conservatives).
I actually ran into National Anti-Corruption Commission rules that some corruption is cool actually from The Chaser just a while ago
#Robodebt will have at least created a generation of citizens who understand the level of government corruption. It was an actual conspiracy.
My favorite Chaser is from their TV show when they dressed as Bin Laden and bypassed security to get near George Bush.
That was one impressive prank to pull, goddamn. I would have been scared to death of being shot by American cops
They've actually been on fire with some of their best stuff in years lately. The above article is NewsThump.