this post was submitted on 07 Dec 2023
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Rule 1: No dehumanizing ANYONE, especially Palestinians.

Rule 2: No Israeli apologia.

Rule 3: Anti-Zionism is allowed. Anti-semitism is not.

Rule 4: Leftist ideologies are secular, not atheist. This is not a place to “dunk” on Judaism, but a place to help liberate it.

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"Love labor, hate mastery over others, and avoid a close relationship with the government" (Avot, 1:10)

"Anti-Semitism means spreading enmity towards the Jews. When the accursed tsarist monarchy was living its last days it tried to incite ignorant workers and peasants against the Jews. The tsarist police, in alliance with the landowners and the capitalists, organised pogroms against the Jews. The landowners and capitalists tried to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants who were tortured by want against the Jews. In other countries, too, we often see the capitalists fomenting hatred against the Jews in order to blind the workers, to divert their attention from the real enemy of the working people, capital. Hatred towards the Jews persists only in those countries where slavery to the landowners and capitalists has created abysmal ignorance among the workers and peasants. Only the most ignorant and downtrodden people can believe the lies and slander that are spread about the Jews. This is a survival of ancient feudal times, when the priests burned heretics at the stake, when the peasants lived in slavery, and when the people were crushed and inarticulate. This ancient, feudal ignorance is passing away; the eyes of the people are being opened.

It is not the Jews who are the enemies of the working people. The enemies of the workers are the capitalists of all countries. Among the Jews there are working people, and they form the majority. They are our brothers, who, like us, are oppressed by capital; they are our comrades in the struggle for socialism. Among the Jews there are kulaks, exploiters and capitalists, just as there are among the Russians, and among people of all nations. The capitalists strive to sow and foment hatred between workers of different faiths, different nations and different races. Those who do not work are kept in power by the power and strength of capital. Rich Jews, like rich Russians, and the rich in all countries, are in alliance to oppress, crush, rob and disunite the workers.

Shame on accursed tsarism which tortured and persecuted the Jews. Shame on those who foment hatred towards the Jews, who foment hatred towards other nations.

Long live the fraternal trust and fighting alliance of the workers of all nations in the struggle to overthrow capital." - V. I. Lenin, Anti-Jewish Pogroms

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Norman Finkelstein was born on December 8, Brooklyn, New York City in 1953 to Holocaust survivors Mary and Zacharias Finkelstein. Finkelstein's parents were Jewish Holocaust survivors. His mother grew up in Warsaw and survived the Warsaw Ghetto and the Majdanek concentration camp. His father was a survivor of both the Warsaw Ghetto and Auschwitz. After the war they met in a displaced persons camp in Linz, Austria, and then emigrated to the United States, where his father became a factory worker and his mother a homemaker and later a bookkeeper. Finkelstein's mother was an ardent pacifist.

Finkelstein has said of his parents that "they saw the world through the prism of the Nazi Holocaust. They were eternally indebted to the Soviet Union (to whom they attributed the defeat of the Nazis), and so anyone who was anti-Soviet they were extremely harsh on".

Finkelstein grew up in Borough Park, then Mill Basin, both in Brooklyn, New York, where he attended James Madison High School. In his memoir he recalls strongly identifying with the outrage that his mother, who witnessed the genocidal atrocities of World War II, felt at the carnage the United States wrought in the Vietnam War.

He attended James Madison High School followed by Binghamton College, where he graduated in 1974 with a degree in History. Finkelstein enrolled at Princeton University where he earned a Master's degree in political science and a PhD in political studies in 1988. He also studied at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris.

As a young man, Finkelstein identified as a Maoist and worked for The Guardian, a Maoist newsweekly. After the 1981 trial of the Gang of Four, Finkelstein had a falling out with Maoist politics.

Following this experience, Finkelstein decided to develop his worldview with meticulous scholarship. Finkelstein recounts spending an entire summer in the New York Public Library comparing historical population records of Palestine to the claims made in the Joan Peters Zionist text "From Time Immemorial".

Finkelstein's work largely debunked the text, which was well-regarded at the time, winning the National Jewish Book Award in 1985. Finkelstein's skepticism of scholarship regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict would continue to characterize his academic career.

In 2003, Alan Dershowitz published "The Case for Israel", which Finkelstein called "a collection of fraud, falsification, plagiarism, and nonsense". Dershowitz began campaigning to block Finkelstein's tenure bid at DePaul University. In 2007, Finkelstein was denied tenure at DePaul University. In response, Finkelstein resigned, and students staged a sit-in and hunger strike in protest.

In 2008, Finkelstein was denied entry to Israel. In 2009, a documentary film about Finkelstein's life and career was published, titled "American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein".

"My parents often wondered why I would grow so indignant at the falsification and exploitation of the Nazi genocide. The most obvious answer is that it has been used to justify criminal policies of the Israeli state and US support for these policies."

  • Norman Finkelstein

Norman Finkelstein - Israel and Palestine israel-cool palestine-heart

An Unpopular Man - Norman Finkelstein, TNR amerikkka

FINKELSTEIN: Misadventures in the Class Struggle - mao-clap

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[–] [email protected] 27 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Seeing Israelis openly revel in their bloodthirst for murdering children is genuinely revolting on a level I really don't think I actually understood before.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I've seen pro-Isisraeli South Africans literally call for IDF to commit terrorist attacks, including the use of cluster bombs with the "justification" being specifically the red carpet rolled out for Hamas.

Also because Johannesburg is 7 times the size of Gaza (and many parts of the city much more densely populated), the loss of life would be orders of magnitude greater.

But social media does not consider this rule-breaking.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Growing up and becoming an adult during the development of social media has had this unqiue horror of getting a more and more precise picture of just how hateful and bloodthirsty people are. Back in the 90s I was a kid and just saw propaganda on the news, maybe some government talking heads once in a while. And then AOL chat happened, IRC, early forums, reddit, twitter, and each new iteration gives more horrible people a bigger soap box to scream their hatred and rage.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Honestly I think its really good to get people exposed to this stuff. Israel has basically operated with unconditional support from western governments its whole existence, and barely any pushback from regular people, because its supposed to be the "only liberal democracy in the middle east". But now everyday normal people are seeing these frothing mouthed fascists scream about how if we criticize their actions and dont want them to bomb babies and hospitals then we're worse than hitler. Its depressing to see the amount of support they have sure but its also really reassuring seeing Israeli state propaganda scramble as public opinion shifts really quickly away from them, all because their people have unfettered access to the internet and cant stop acting like nazis.