this post was submitted on 09 Nov 2020
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Seriously tho these people can’t be serious, right? Like this has to be a fucking op

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

posted to /r/teenagers by fatpenisbarbeque
"Ukrainian here. I can’t explain how much it embarrasses me and hurts me to have to explain to privileged Americans why communism is bad." (17 reddit awards/stickers, 5400 upvotes)

ScouT741: Ты хоть с какого города?
fatpenisbarbeque (OP): My Russian/Ukrainian is super botched because I haven’t really spoke it at all since I was 4-5. But I’m from Kiev. Lived in America for 12 years.
nonliquid: food shortages 13 years ago Kiev Пиздишь.
fatpenisbarbeque (OP): Yep, lived in a very poor neighborhood and according to my parents the markets either never had enough food, or when they did it was too expensive for us to get enough. My family’s monthly salary then was about 200 USD in terms of UAH.
Inner_Partisan: Buddy, you were born in 2003, over 12 years after the fall of the USSR. What you're describing is capitalism.
tamagoronin: exactly, what is he even talking about.