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Porn is bad folks, discuss

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

People that defend the porn industry do not understand the part of our ideology that is against the exploitation of labour nor do they understand that sale and destruction of your body is the most disgusting and extreme example of physical exploitation of labour that exists within society.

What is the basic foundational principle of socialist ideology? It is that we are not free, that the work we perform is performed under coercive conditions created by the capitalist in order to extract our labour, these conditions are but are not limited to the need to work for food and shelter.

If you agree with this principle -- that work under capitalism is work performed under coercion -- then you must agree that sex work, as sex performed under coercion, is therefore rape. It is not a consensual outcome that would occur without the individuals involved being coerced into the work based on the need for the money.

In the eventual end goal of a utopian communist society no pornography will exist anymore because we will have eliminated any and all social-ills that cause people to choose (or be forced to choose) to participate in it.

Sex workers should be supported. And by supported I mean "helped to escape the conditions that involve them performing sex work".

It is of course not going to go away under socialism, it's still an exploitative society even if it is vastly better than capitalism. Under socialism it should be heavily controlled at both ends, production and consumption. You can't prohibit it of course because that shit doesn't work but you can blunt and control its worst tendencies in the meantime to reduce its damage in society to the greatest extent.

There probably IS eventually some sort of sex-based entertainment form that can/will exist based on people’s actual fundamental desire to do it because it’s what they like doing and want to do. I think there are in fact forms of sincere amateur entertainment entirely without monetary exchange that are actually good. Unfortunately it is impossible to separate this from anything that is paid and it is impossible to determine under current conditions whether those desires are coming from a healthy or unhealthy place based on escapism from society, mental health problems making them seek affirmative attention or capitalist-ills. We simply can not tell. There are also definitely some arguments to be made around purely animated forms of entertainment however I’m confident in saying that nobody here uses any site with animated or drawn porn entertainment that doesn’t also contain things everyone would criticise as VERY problematic and is therefore taking part in helping those areas of the industry based on what and where they’re consuming this.