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[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) (1 children)

Rojava literally occupied Syrian wheat fields with the US to starve Syrian cities

The Kurds and their US ally hold the wheat as a trump card in ongoing negotiations.

“Assad needs access to cereal crops in northeast Syria to prevent a bread crisis in the areas of western Syria that he controls,” Syria analyst Nicholas Heras said. “Wheat is a weapon of great power in this next phase of the Syrian conflict,” said Heras, and he added that the Kurds and their US ally “have a significant stockpile of this wheat weapon. It can be used to apply pressure on the (Syrian government), and on Russia, to force concessions in the UN-led diplomatic process.”

Whilst also ethnic cleansing non Kurds

The non-Kurdish population is a mix of Syrian Arabs, Syrian Christians, Syrian Armenians and many of them have suffered under the Kurdish administration, which saw non-Kurds being ethnically cleansed, as they lost homes, shops, and farms at the hands of the SDF.(ibid)

They then got ditched by the US immediately and fed into Turkeys meat grinder. As if no one has ever read even a tiny bit of history of what US does to its "allies" when it is balkanising and using divide and rule tactics to destroy countries it has geopolitical strategic interest in. So not only was allying with the Great Satan a fucking terrible idea it was counter-productive for them

Unsurprisingly I'm not a fan. I remember talking to David Graeber about this on twitter and it was the most pathetic display of mental gymnastics I've ever seen. Like if you believe the Kurds had to ally with the Great Satan to create their Kurdish state that's good and cool. But its then a bit rich if you shit on Actually Existing Socialist countries who had to build their nations under the conditions of opposition to US imperialism rather than as an ally to it.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 years ago (1 children)

The framing of that article and your post, which claims that the Kurds are "occupying" the wheat is kind of ridiculous. Prior to the revolution the Kurdish areas of Syria were treated as an internal colony, and the Kurds were forbidden from building any sort of industry or growing crops other than wheat. Rojava isn't "occupying" Syrian wheat fields, the wheat fields are part of Rojava due to the Syrian government's own policy.