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nothing like avoiding the main topic eh. good job.
the story is about his claim. and he claims things all the fucking time that arent true. but go on, keep pointing out how a racist liar is a-ok to his base. its more telling than why dems stayed home letting kamala lose by a few million votes.
hahaha you really need to read up on the definition of fascism, you clearly are unfamiliar. or just a GOProjectionist.
Neuromancer is a coward who deletes any comments I make showing how the conservatives follow in the reactionary ideological vein of the Confederacy and Fascism.
He's not here to have an honest discussion; he wants to piss you off.
He knows he's lying; that's part of the game that fascists play.
hahahahah oooook
only one party is pushing a white christian nationalist regime highlighting the desire for dictator like, militaristic control. only one. but you keep lying to yourself and others, it will prolly make you feel good misusing the term.